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Type: Article
Published: 2003-12-30
Page range: 147–159
Abstract views: 135
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A revision of Schoenobryum (Cryphaeaceae, Bryopsida) in Africa

141 Fawnbrake Avenue, London SE24 0BG, U.K.
Bryophyta Schoenobryum Africa


The nine species and two varieties of Schoenobryum reported for Africa were investigated, and no characters were found that uniquely identified any of the taxa to be other than the pantropical Schoenobryum concavifolium. The following nine names become new synonyms of S. concavifolium: Cryphaea madagassa, C. subintegra, Acrocryphaea robusta, A. latifolia, A. subrobusta, A. tisserantii, A. latifolia var. microspora, A. plicatula and A. subintegra var. idanreense; a lectotype is selected for Acrocryphaea latifolia var. microspora la Varde.


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