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Type: Article
Published: 1992-12-01
Page range: 55–59
Abstract views: 136
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The distribution and synonyms of Breutelia microdonta (Mitt.) Broth. with additional notes on certain taxa of Breutelia

Florida Museum of Natural History & Department of Botany, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, U.S.A.
Bryophyta Breutelia microdonta


Breutelia microdonta (Mitt.) Broth., described originally from Brazil, is the oldest name for a disjunct widespread tropical species that includes as synonyms B. angustifolia Rehm. ex Sim of Southern Africa and B. merrillii Broth. of the Philippines. Breutelia kilaueae (C. Muell.) Broth. of Hawaii is considered a synonym of the austral Pacific species B. affinis (Hook.) Mitt., and B. brachyphylla Broth. of Ecuador is reduced to synonymy under the North Andean B. squarrosa Jaeg. Breutelia anacolioides Herz. of Bolivia is removed to Philonotis as a synonym of the North Andean P. incana (Tayl.) H. Robins. Differences in spore ornamentation offer an additional character distinguishing Breutelia from Philonotis.


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