Nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1/2 sequences of the Colombian endemic Gradsteinia andicola were determined and compared with those of 16 other species of the Hypnales (Amblystegiaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Hypnaceae, Plagiotheciaceae and Rhytidiaceae). In a maximum parsimony tree Gradsteinia andicola belongs to a well supported clade consisting of Amblystegium, Cratoneuron, Cratoneuropsis, Hypnobartlettia and Palustriella, and seems to be closely related to Cratoneuropsis relaxa from New Zealand. Gradsteinia andicola is therefore transferred to Amblystegiaceae, but the genus Gradsteinia is maintained. The systematic relationship of Amblystegiaceae and Donrichardsiaceae is discussed.