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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-29
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Warburgiella spinososeta (Bryophyta: Sematophyllaceae): a new moss species from Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi

Missouri Botanical Garden; 4344 Shaw Blvd.; St. Louis; MO 63110; USA
National Tropical Botanical Garden; 3530 Papalina Road; Kalāheo; HI 96741; USA
Hawaiian Islands Pacific Islands Taxonomy moss


Warburgiella spinososeta is described and illustrated as a new moss species and a new genus record from Hawaiʻi. The new species is morphologically similar to W. cupressinoides and W. leptorhynchoides to some extent, but it differs in having entirely smooth, strongly thick-walled, porose laminal cells, a strikingly spinose upper seta, and a campanulate-cucullate calyptra with a papillose apex and an entire base.


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