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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-29
Page range: 56-63
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Acidodontium indicum (Bryaceae: Bryophyta)—a new species from the Western Ghats of India

Bryology Laboratory; Department of Botany; University of Calicut; Thenhipalam; Malappuram Dist.; Kerala-673635; India
Bryology Laboratory; Department of Botany; University of Calicut; Thenhipalam; Malappuram Dist.; Kerala-673635; India
Bryology Laboratory; Department of Botany; University of Calicut; Thenhipalam; Malappuram Dist.; Kerala-673635; India
Department of Botany; California Academy of Sciences; 55 Music Course Drive; Golden Gate Park; San Francisco; CA 94118-4503; US
Acidodontium indicum India Palakkad New species Wayanad Western Ghats


Acidodontium indicum sp. nov. (Bryaceae), is described and illustrated from the Western Ghats of Kerala. Since the genus has not been reported from India, it represents a new generic record as well. The species is compared with Acidodontium megalocarpum (Hook.) Renauld & Cardot and A. exaltatum (Spruce ex Mitt.) A. Jaeger. Acidodontium indicum is distinguished by small broadly lanceolate to more or less spathulate leaves having a strong, short excurrent costa, margin completely entire, bordered by 1–4 rows of long incrassate cells, short setae, capsule clavate with short apophysis, operculum conic without apiculus and endostome with high basal membrane and forked endostome segments diverging at a different angle.


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