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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-29
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Additional Bryophyte Taxa from the Cook Islands

University Herbarium; University of California; Berkeley; California 94720; USA; National Tropical Botanical Garden; Kauai; Hawai’i 96741
School of Environmental & Animal Sciences; Unitec Institute of Technology; Auckland; Aotearoa/New Zealand
Gantz Family Collections Center; Science & Education; Field Museum; Chicago; IL 60605 U.S.A
Pacific Islands Development Forum; 56 Domain Road; Suva; Fiji
California Academy of Sciences; Department of Botany; San Francisco; CA 94118-4503
Director; Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust; Rarotonga; Cook Islands
Gantz Family Collections Center; Science & Education; Field Museum; Chicago; IL 60605 U.S.A
Institute of Biology; Eszterházy Károly Catholic University; H-3301 Eger; Hungary
Gantz Family Collections Center; Science & Education; Field Museum; Chicago; IL 60605 U.S.A
Institute of Biology; Eszterházy Károly Catholic University; H-3301 Eger; Hungary
Aitutaki Bazzania Mangaia Mitiaro Rarotonga


It is evident that the bryophyte flora of the Cook Islands remains poorly documented. Here, ten moss species and five liverwort species of Lepidoziaceae are newly reported for the Cook Islands. These records include Calomnion denticulatum, previously known only from Samoa, Ectropothecium viridifolium, previously known only from Hawai’i, and Tricholepidozia quadriseta, previously known only from Australia. Also, thirteen new island records of mosses are reported for Outer Islands of the group and additional information is provided for some previously published reports.


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