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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-22
Page range: 159-170
Abstract views: 220
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A morphological-taxonomic study of Frullania calcarifera Steph. (Frullaniaceae) in Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa; MUHNAC - Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência / CE3C-Centre for Ecology; Evolution and Environmental Changes & CHANGE - Global Change and Sustainability Institute. Rua da Escola Politécnica; 58; 1250-102 Lisboa; Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa; Faculdade de Ciências; Departamento de Biologia Vegetal / CE3C -Centre for Ecology; Evolution and Environmental. Changes & CHANGE - Global Change and Sustainability Institute. Campo Grande; 1749-016 Lisboa; Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa; MUHNAC - Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência / CE3C-Centre for Ecology; Evolution and Environmental Changes & CHANGE - Global Change and Sustainability Institute. Rua da Escola Politécnica; 58; 1250-102 Lisboa; Portugal
Calvário-Lagoa 8400-011; Portugal
CIBIO/InBio; Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos; Laboratório Associado; Instituto Superior de Agronomia; Universidade de Lisboa; Tapada da Ajuda; 1349-017 Lisboa; Portugal
Liverwort taxonomy Europe distribution Portugal predictive map semi-cryptic species Frullania calcarifera Frullania tamarisci


Frullania is one of the largest genera of liverworts in Europe with morphologically polymorphic species in the Holarctic region, giving rise to reservations regarding the delimitation of some taxa. Initially described by Stephani (1887) from Portugal, Frullania calcarifera is a neglected liverwort in the semi-cryptic F. tamarisci complex. Following years of obscurity, F. calcarifera was eventually resurrected as a good species and reported from the Pyrenees, Italy, Algeria and more recently the Ukraine (Crimean Peninsula). In the present study, based on Portuguese material, distinguishing characters and illustrations of the types and representative specimens of F. calcarifera are presented. An updated distribution of F. calcarifera in Portugal, and a predictive model of its known areas of occurrence in Portugal is presented and discussed in relation to the distribution of its congener F. tamarisci.



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