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Type: Article
Published: 1989-12-31
Page range: 95–133
Abstract views: 167
PDF downloaded: 1


The Botanical Institute, University of Aarhus, Nordlandsvej 68, DK-8240 Risskov, Denmark. Present address: The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York, 10458 U.S.A.
Bryophyta mosses


A revised moss checklist for Colombia recognizes 877 species distributed among 242 genera and 65 families. Departmental distribution is provided for all species. This paper is based on the previous checklist by Florschütz-de Waard & Florschütz (1979), publications since that time, on the extensive holdings of the New York Botanical Garden, the Institute of Systematic Botany, Utrecht, and other herbaria, and on recent field work. Included in this list are a number of the collections made by Aguirre C., Cleef, Griffin, Killip, Schultes, Steere, van der Hammen and van Reenen, among others, which have not previously been incorporated into the Colombian moss literature. Comparison of the number of species reported for each of the departments based on the 1979 and the present checklist both suggest that over half of the departments are poorly known. Forty new additions to Colombia are provided in this catalogue: Amblystegium serpens, Anoectangium aestivum, Astomiopsis amblycalyx, Breutelia brevifolia, Brymela parkeriana, Bryohaplocladium praelongum, Bryum coloratum, B. perlimbatum, Chorisodontium setaceum, Dicranum peruvianum, Drepanocladus uncinatus, Encalypta asperifolia, Entodon hampeanus, Epipterygium immarginatum, Fissidens allionii, F. diplodus, F. intermedius, Groutiella obtusa, Gymnostomum recurvirostrum, Hymenodon reggaeus, Leiomela ecuadorensis, Lepidopilum affine, L. cuspidans, L. cubense, Leptodontium stellaticuspis, Leskea plumaria, Leskeadelphus bolivianus, Neckera urnigera, Potamium deceptivum, P. pacimonense, Pseudotaxiphyllum distichaceum, Rhegmatodon polycarpa, Schistidium apocarpum, S. rivulare ssp. latifolium, Scorpidium scorpioides, Syrrhopodon steyermarkii, Tortula caroliniana, Zygodon ehrenbergii, Z. fragilis, Z. stenocarpus. Approximately 560 new departmental records are included. Several new combinations are made: Calyptrochaeta deflexa (C. Muell.) comb. nov., C. nutans (Hampe) comb. nov., Pleuridium subenervis (Hampe) comb. nov., Rhodobryum perspinidens (Broth.) comb. nov., R. roseodens (C. Muell.) comb. nov., Schizymenium brevicaulis (Hornsch.) comb. nov., S. dolichothecum (Herz.) comb. nov., S. pectinatum (C. Muell.) comb. nov., S. subobliquum (Hampe) comb. nov., Sematophyllum sticticola (C. Muell.) comb. nov. and, S. turgidulum (Herz.) comb. nov. Several further species are reduced to synonymy: Aulacomnium venezuelanum Mitt. (=A. palustre), Grimmia bogotense (Hampe) Jaeg. (=G. longirostris), Mielichhoferia elegans Herz. (=Schizymenium bogotense), Pohlia integridens (C. Muell.) Broth. (=P. elongata), and P. paucifolia (Jaeg.) Broth. (=P. elongata).


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