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Type: Article
Published: 1990-06-30
Page range: 127–132
Abstract views: 158
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Floristics of the South American Páramo Moss Flora

Department of Botany & The Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611
Bryophyta Floristics Moss


The South American paramos appeared in Pliocene times and persist to the present day. The moss flora of this habitat consists of an estimated 400 species that comprise 8 floristic groups. In Venezuela these groups and their percent representation are as follows: neotropical 37%, Andean 26%, cosmopolitan 18%, Andean-African 8%, neotropical-Asiatic 3%, neotropical-Australasian 2%, temperate Southern Hemisphere 2% and northern boreal-temperate 2%. Acrocarpous taxa outnumber pleurocarps by nearly 3:1. The neotropical and Andean floristic stocks likely were present prior to late Pliocene orogenies that elevated the cordillera above climatic timberlines. These species may have existed in open, marshy areas (paramillos) or may have evolved from cloud forest ancestors. Taxa of northern boreal- temperate affinities, including those with Asiatic distributions, probably arrived in the paramos during the Pleistocene, a period which may also have seen the establishment in the Northern Andes of some cosmopolitan elements. Species with temperate Southern Hemisphere and Australasian affinities likely spread first to austral South America thence migrated northward during a cool, moist interval sometime over the past 2.5-3 million years or may have become established in the paramos as a result of long- distance dispersal.


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