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Type: Article
Published: 2000-12-31
Page range: 17–23
Abstract views: 162
PDF downloaded: 1

Studies on Barbula consanguinea (Thw. & Mitt.) Jaeg. sensu Eddy, a pan-tropical species

Von Weberstraat 32, 6904 KD Zevenaar, The Netherlands
Bryophyta Barbula consanguinea


Barbula consanguinea (Thw. & Mitt.) Jaeg. sensu Eddy is considered as a pan-tropical species. This taxon is reported new for several central African countries, the Arabian peninsula, and Middle America. This variable species is shortly discussed and compared with (most) related taxa. Hymenostylium crispulum Broth. & Par. and Barbula obscura Sull. (= Barbula wrightii Sauerb.) are considered as synonyms of Barbula consanguinea.


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