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Type: Article
Published: 2010-12-01
Page range: 74–86
Abstract views: 97
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Bryophytes from unflooded forests formations of the “restingas” of São Paulo state, Brazil
Briófitas das formações florestais não inundáveis das restingas do estado de São Paulo, Brasil

Instituto de Botânica, Caixa Postal 3005, 01061-970 São Paulo, SP, Brasil
liverworts mosses “restingas” São Paulo


The “restingas” cover about 70% of the Brazilian coast, but they are threarened by human activity. The study was carried out in the unflooded forests formations of the “restingas” in Ubatuba, Bertioga, São Vicente, Praia Grande, Itanhaém, Peruíbe, Iguape, and Cananeia, SP. The results include literature records and data of the bryophytes collections, which are deposited in the Herbaria SP and HRCB. Two divisions with 34 families, 105 genera, 253 species, a subspecies, and seven varieties of bryophytes are listed. Lejeuneaceae predominated in the material, which was often collected on bark of living phorophytes and on a single kind of substrate. The checklist adds 7%, 9%, and 19% of the total of bryophyte species, which are now known to occur in “restingas” of Brazil, São Paulo, and in the unflooded forest formations of the “restingas” of the same state, respectively. The listed species also occur in others ecosystems, except Bromeliophila natans (Steph.) R.M. Schust., which is restricted to the “restingas” of Brazil. The studied bryoflora is similar to that one reported for the “paulista” Atlantic rain forest. Meiothecium revolubile Mitt. (moss) and Harpalejeunea uncinata Steph. (liverwort) are cited fo the first time for the state of São Paulo.


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