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Type: Article
Published: 1990-06-30
Page range: 177–191
Abstract views: 159
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The exploration of the East African bryoflora

Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Forest Biology, P.O.Box 3009, Morogoro, Tanzania
bryoflora East African


During the past 5 years intensive bryological explorations were carried out in Tanzania with special emphasize on hitherto undercollected areas (e.g. Nguru mountains, Mafia Island, unknown accesses of Mount Kilimanjaro and Meru) and on special habitats (e.g. rocky semi-desert or heath vegetation and alkaline tolerant epiphytic vegetation along the Rift Valley). These collections (above 8000 numbers) resulted in numerous records, some of them new to the African continent and at least 8 species new to science. The data point to interesting phytogeographical links and help to explain the evolution of the flora of East African volcanoes and crystalline mountains. Hitherto unknown oil bodies of more than 50 liverwort species were investigated. This paper does not give a full account of these studies but only provides examples to illustrate the above points.


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