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Type: Article
Published: 2013-01-01
Page range: 43–48
Abstract views: 109
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Liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of Miami, Florida, USA

Dept. of Biological Sciences (OE 167), Florida International University, 11200 SW 8 St., Miami, Florida, 33199 USA
flora Florida Hepaticae liverwort Miami urban.


This study, the first survey of species composition and abundance in the built environment of Miami, Florida, USA, found 18 taxa, six of them new records for Miami-Dade County. The newly reported taxa are: Acrolejeunea heterophylla, Frullania brittoniae, F. eboracensis ssp. virginica, F. inflata var. communis, Lejeunea trinitensis, and Marchantia inflexa. In addition, Frullanoides bahamensis, last seen in the county in 1916, was recollected. A comparison of the findings of this study with previous works shows that the liverwort flora of the built environment is more similar in species composition to the flora of coastal woodlands of the Tampa Bay area than it is to the flora of tropical hammocks of Miami-Dade County.


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