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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-22
Page range: 8-21
Abstract views: 143
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A new Western Australian species of Riccia in section Spongodes Nees, group ‘Vesiculosa’ (Ricciaceae, Marchantiophyta)

Australian National Herbarium. Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (a joint venture between Parks Australia and CSIRO); GPO Box 1700; Canberra. ACT. 2601
38 Kampong Rd; Yakamia. Albany; WA 6330
Honorary Associate; Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria; Private Bag 2000; South Yarra VIC 3141
24 Offer Street; Denmark; WA 6333
Bryophytes Australia complex thalloid liverwort Southwest Australian Floristic Region


Riccia anguillarum Cargill, is described from Western Australia. This endemic species is distinguished by a fleshy, succulent thallus (similar to southern African species of Riccia in section Spongodes, group ‘Vesiculosa’). It is also unique within Riccia and the Ricciaceae in having a thallus of multilayered air spaces and a bi-layered capsule wall. A description of the new species with images, illustrations and map of its locations is provided.



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