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Type: Article
Published: 1992-12-01
Page range: 35–53
Abstract views: 137
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Meteoridium and Zelometeorium in Bolivia

Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Casilla 10077, La Paz, Bolivia
Bryophyta Meteoridium Zelometeorium


The genera Meteoridium and Zelometeorium are described and illustrated from 73 collections made by the author in Bolivia. Barbella tenuissima (Hook. & Wils.) Fleisch. is transferred to the genus Meteoridium as Meteoridium tenuissimum (Hook. & Wils.) M. Lewis comb. nov. Due to its hypnobryoid peristome and other characters, the genus Meteoridium is placed in the Brachytheciaceae. Meteoridium remotifolium (C. Müll.) Manuel shows marked variation over its altitudinal range and four ecoforms are recognized. Distribution records show that the species of these two genera have distinct ranges, with only Meteoridium remotifolium overlapping the ranges of the other species. Habitat data shows that none of the species treated are obligate epiphytes, and that they grow equally well in terrestrial habitats.


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