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Type: Article
Published: 1992-12-31
Page range: 95–104
Abstract views: 124
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Análisis cladístico de la familia Anomodontaceae

Facultat de Ciències, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellatera, Barcelona, España
Bryophyta Anomodon


The phylogenetic relationships of the species of Anomodon are analyzed along with those of Haplohymenium and Herpetineuron. Anomodon is known only from the northern hemisphere: there are four species in Mexico (several of which extend to Guatemala and/or the Caribbean islands), two in the United States and Canada, on in Europe, and the remaining in south and east Asia. Three species of Haplohymenium, Herpetineuron toccoae, H. acutifolium (Anomodon acutifolius, Granzow- de la Cerda 1989) and Pterogonium gracile are also included. Thirty-one characters for the 17 taxa were analyzed by using the PAUP program, version 3.0, for Macintosh (Swofford 1991). According to the resulting trees, the 11 species of Anomodon are monophyletic as long as it includes the species of Haplohymenium. Anomodon comprises two clads, one equivalent to the subgenus Pseudoanomodon Limpr., including A. longifolius, A. attenuatus, A. giraldii and A. rostratus; the other is equivalent to subgenus Anomodon and includes the species of Haplohymenium. Section Haplohymenium is proposed for the latter genus.


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