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Type: Article
Published: 1992-12-31
Page range: 171–179
Abstract views: 164
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Notas para la revisión de las especies de Octoblepharum del neotrópico

Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales, Apartado 2072, Balboa, República de Panamá. Departamento de Botánica, Universidad de Panamá
Bryophyta Octoblepharum


Out of 21 species of Octoblepharum validly published for the Neotropics only 9 are recognized at the present time. These are: O. albidum Hedw., O. ampullaceum Mitt., O. cocuiense Mitt., O. cylindricum Schimp. ex Mont., O. erectifolium Mitt., O. pulvinatum (Doz. & Molk.) Mitt., O. rhaphidostegium C. Müll., O. stramineum Mitt. y O. tatei (Williams) Bartr. According to the number of peristome teeth, there are two evolutionary lines: one with 16 and the other with 8. Members of the first line are all dioicous whereas those in the latter are either autoicous or dioicous. Phenological studies in three species of Octoblepharum in Panamá suggest the occurrence of pseudodioecism in autoicous species and the development of a greater number of male gametoecia and antheridia than female ones. Two peristome types are found in populations of O. albidum; one is vertically striated while the other is smooth. All species occur in South America and this is considered the center of origin and speciation for the genus.


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