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Type: Article
Published: 1993-12-31
Page range: 153–169
Abstract views: 102
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Taxonomic Results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda 17. Andreaeaceae, Bruchiaceae, Dicranaceae, Rhizogoniaceae, Bartramiaceae, Rhacocarpaceae, Hedwigiaceae, Cryphaeaceae, Leucodontaceae

Universität Duisburg, Fachbereich 6, Botanik, 47048 Duisburg, Germany
Bryophyta Andreaeaceae Leucodontaceae


Thirteen new records of species of Andreaea, Trematodon, Campylopus and Rhabdoweisia for Rwanda viz. Zaire are published. Campylopus cerradensis Vital and Paraleucobryum longifolium (Hedw.) Loeske ssp. brasiliense (Broth.) P. Müller & J.-P. Frahm, previously only known from Brazil, are reported for Africa for the first time. Campylopus schmidii C. Müll. is reported for the first time for the African continent. Campylopus leucochlorus is regarded as synonymous with C. hildebrandtii (C. Müll.) Jaeg. Atractylocarpus capillifolius Dix. is regarded as synonymous with A. alticaulis (Broth.) Williams. Based on a different spore size, spore ornamentation and growth form as well as cultivation experiments, Antitrichia kilimandscharica Broth. is regarded as separate species and not as synonymous with A. curtipendula (Hedw.) Brid. Acrocryphaea robusta Broth. in Mildbr. is combined new to the genus Schoenobryum.


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