Studies on Hong Kong Cheilolejeunea with two species new to China.
Studies on Hong Kong Hepatics II. Notes on Some Newly Recorded Liverworts from Hong Kong
Floristic Survey of Epixylic Bryophytes of an Area Remnant of the Atlantic Forest (Timbaúba - PE, Brazil). 1. Hepaticopsida (except Lejeuneaceae) and Bryopsida
Taxonomic Results of the BRYOTROP-Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda 31. The Andean Daltonia latolimbata Broth. in Herzog in Africa
Bryophytes from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (West-Central Africa) I. Introduction and preliminary checklist.
Taxonomic results of the BRYOTROP Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda 32. Bryaceae
Beitrag zur Moosflora der Insel Bioko (= Fernando Poo), Äquatorial-Guinea
The Discovery of a Second Locality in Peru for Pleuridum andinum Herz. (Ditrichaceae, Musci)
On the variation of leaf border in Rhizomnium (Cinclidiaceae)
Bryophytes from the Cape Verde Islands
Lektotypifikation von Rhacocarpus purpurascens (Brid.) C. Müll.
Taxonomic studies of mosses of Seram and Ambon (Moluccas, East Malesia) collected by Indonesian-Japanese Botanical Expeditions, IX. Pottiaceae
A first checklist of the lichen-forming fungi of the Venezuelan Andes