Mosses from the Mascarenes - 7. A small collection from Rodrigues
Influence of Cladonia substellata Vainio extracts and usnic acid on germination and growth of Allium cepa L. seedlings
A type catalogue of Campylopodioideae and Paraleucobryoideae (Musci, Dicranaceae), Part II, Campylopus
Mediterranean lichens in the tropics: lichens of the mist oasis of Erkwit, Sudan
Bryophytes from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (West Central Africa). IV. Notes on some nomina nuda from Annobon
Contribution to the bryoflora and bryogeography of St. Helena (South Atlantic Ocean)
Diversity of bryophyte flora and vegetation on rotten wood in rain and montane forests of northeastern Tanzania
Bryophytes of Uganda. 1. BBS Tropical Bryology Group expeditions, 1996-1998. Introduction and collecting sites.
Bryophytes of Uganda. 3. Phyllodon truncatulus (Müll. Hal.) Buck is replaced in Africa by Phyllodon truncatus (Welw. & Duby) Buck (Hypnaceae, Bryopsida).
A new species of Colura (Lejeuneaceae) from the Aberdare Mountains/Kenya
Key to Latin American species of Bazzania S. F. Gray
Foliicolous lichens and their lichenicolous fungi collected during the Smithsonian International Cryptogamic Expedition to Guyana 1996