Bryoflora Salvadorensis. I. Introduction and contributions to the moss flora of El Salvador
Contributions to the moss flora of Borneo, 2. Schoenobryum concavifolium (Cryphaeaceae, Musci), new to Borneo
Bryophytes from Jureia-Itatins Ecological Station, São Paulo state, BrazilBriófitas da Estação Ecológica Jureia-Itatins, estado de São Paulo, Brasil
New records and an updated checklist of the mosses of Vietnam
Fissidens ecuadorensis, F. steerei and F. yucatanensis, new records from Brazil
A comparison of three protocols for sampling epiphytic bryophytes in tropical montane rainforest
Additions to the bryophyte flora of Ecuador 2Adiciones a la Flora de Briofitas del Ecuador 2