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Published Articles

Mannia pilosa (Aytoniaceae, Marchantiophyta) — new to the Japanese Flora
Tomoyuki Katagiri , Hiroaki Masuzaki , Takehiro Masuzawa , Hironori Deguchi
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When morphology and molecules tell us different stories, part 2: Pinnatella homaliadelphoides (Neckeraceae), a new moss species from China and India
Johannes Enroth , Sanna Olsson , Si He , James R. Shevock , Dietmar Quandt
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Further taxonomic rearrangements in the Brachytheciaceae (Bryophyta): Frahmiella, a new genus segregated from Rhynchostegiella
Michael S. Ignatov , Delphine A. Aigoin , Sanna Huttunen , Irina A. Milyutina , Alain Vanderpoorten , Wang You fang
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Looking for sense in the nonsense: a short review of non-coding organellar DNA elucidatingn the phylogeny of bryophytes

Volker Knoop
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A tribute to Jan-Peter Frahm, or the inexhaustible ways of what to do with bryophytes

Michael Stech

Bryophytes from unflooded forests formations of the “restingas” of São Paulo state, Brazil
Briófitas das formações florestais não inundáveis das restingas do estado de São Paulo, Brasil

Sandra Regina Visnadi
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New bryophyte records for Venezuela, the state of Mérida and the Sierra Nevada National Park
Nuevos registros de musgos para Venezuela, para el Estado Mérida y para el Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada

María Silvina Ussher , Yelitza León Vargas
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The liverworts (Marchantiophyta) in the Ávila National Park (Venezuela): sectors Cerro El Ávila – Lagunazo
Aportes al conocimiento de las hepáticas (Marchantiophyta) del Parque Nacional El Ávila (Venezuela): sectores Cerro El Ávila y

Thalia Morales
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Fissidens of Easter Island
Ronald A. Pursell , Martin J. Wigginton
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Studies on the moss flora of the Bío-Bío region of Chile: Part 2
Robert R. Ireland , Gilda Bellolio , Juan Larraín , Roberto Rodríguez
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