Molluscan Research 25(1):
47-55; published 22 April 2005
Copyright © The
Malacological Society of Australasia
Molecular phylogeny of Vetigastropoda reveals
non-monophyletic Scissurellidae, Trochoidea, and Fissurelloidea
1 Santa
Barbara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa
Barbara, CA 93105, USA
2 Natural
History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los
Angeles, CA 90007, USA
A molecular phylogeny using cytochrome c
oxidase subunit 1, Histone H3, and 18S rRNA, comprising 3038 aligned
characters, was developed for 38 ingroup vetigastropods and two
neritimorph outgroups. Vetigastropoda is diagnosed by the presence of
bursicles and their presence and absence in putative vetigastropod
groups is discussed. The molecular data support the monophyly of
Fissurellidae, Haliotidae, Lepetodrilidae, Pleurotomariidae, and
Peltospiridae; single exemplar taxa were available for Clypeosectidae,
Cocculinidae, Neomphalidae, and Anatomidae. The monophyly of
Scissurellidae s.l. (Scissurellinae plus Anatominae) is rejected and
diagnosing radular characters of the family s.l. are identified as
symplesiomorphies for Vetigastropoda. Sukashitrochus is part of
Scissurellinae and not Anatominae. Neither Fissurelloidea
(Fissurellidae, Clypeosectidae) nor Trochoidea (Trochidae, Turbinidae,
Stomatellidae) is monophyletic. Previously cited trochoidean
synapomoprhies are identified as either being symplesiomorphies or
affected by reductive heterochrony (paedomorphosis followed by
hypermorphosis). Change in body size between major lineages is likely
accomplished by peramorphy from a small ancestor and not by paedomorphy
from a large ancestor. The colonization of the hydrothermal vent
environment has occurred at least three times independently with some
vent lineages not yet included in this study (Temnocinclinae,
Sutilizoninae); vent colonization seems stochastic and not restricted to
one particular geological time interval.
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