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Type: Review
Published: 2024-06-27
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Checklist of the Triassic wood (updated June 2024)

Kunming University, Kunming 650214, China
Institute of Palaeontology, Yunnan Key Laboratory of Earth System Science, Yunnan Key Laboratory for Palaeobiology, MEC International Joint Laboratory for Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironment, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China; Southwest United Graduate School, Kunming 650092, China
fossil wood Triassic palaeogeographic distribution stratigraphic distribution


A list of all known fossil wood taxa recorded from the Triassic, up to June of 2024, is provided. The list contains 50 genera and 130 species of gymnospermous wood taxa documented from 16 countries across seven continents. Specifically, 17 genera and 27 species were reported from Asia, 10 genera and 39 species from Europe, 3 genera and 3 species from Africa, 5 genera and 6 species from North America, 21 genera and 43 species from South America, 9 genera and 16 species from Australia and 4 genera and 7 species Antarctica. Taxonomically, 7 genera and 8 species were documented from the Lower Triassic, 7 genera and 8 species from the Middle Triassic, and 37 genera and 98 species from the Upper Triassic. Systematically, 5 genera and 7 species belong to Cycadales, 1 monotypic genus belongs to Bennettitales, 2 genera and 3 species belong to Ginkgoales, 30 genera and 97 species of Coniferales, 7 genera and 12 species belong to Pteridosperms, 3 genera and 4 species belong to Cordaitales, and 3 genera and 6 species are incertae sedis.


  1. Archngelsky, S. & Brett, D.W. (1961) Studies on Triassic fossil plants from Argentina I. Rhexoxylon from the Ischigualasto Formation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series, 244, 1–19.
  2. Artabe, A.E. Brea, M. & Zamuner, A.B. (1999) Rhexoxylon brunoi Artabe, Brea et Zamuner sp. nov. a new Triassic corystosperm from the Paramilo de Uspallata Mendoza Argentina. Review of Paleobotany & Palynology, 105, 63–74.
  3. Artabe, A.E., Morel, E.M. & Spalletti, L.A. (2003) Caracterización de las provincias fitogeográficas triásicas del Gondwana extratropical. Ameghiniana, 40, 387–405.
  4. Artabe, A.E. & Zamuner, A.B. (2007) Elchaxylon, a new corystosperm based on permineralized stems from the Late Triassic of Argentina. Alcheringa, 31(1), 85–96.
  5. Ash, S.R. & Creber, G.T. (2000) The Late Triassic Araucarioxylon arizonicum trees of the Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, U.S.A. Palaeontology, 43, 15–28.
  6. Bamford, M.A. (2004) Diversity of the woody vegetation of Gondwanan southern Africa. Gondwana Research, 7, 153–164.
  7. Bardola, T.P., Schmidt, I.D., Guerra-Sommer, M. & Schultz, C.L. (2009) Lenhos de Ginkgophyta em florestas petrificadas no Triássico Superior Sul-Rio-Grandense, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 12, 139–148.
  8. Bodnar, J. & Artabe, A. E. (2007) Estudio sistemático y paleodendrológico del leño de una Cupressaceae triásica de la Formación Ischigualasto, provincia de San Juan, Argentina. Ameghiniana, 44 (2), 303–319.
  9. Bodnar, J., Ruiz, D., Artabe, A.E., Morel, E.M. & Ganuza, D.G. (2015) Voltziales y Pinales (=Coniferales) de la Formación Cortaderita (Triásico Medio), Argentina, y su implicancia en la reconstrucción de las coníferas triásicas. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 18 (1), 141–160.
  10. Bodnar, J., Sagasti, A.J., Correa, G.A., Miranda, V. & Medina, F. (2022) Araucariaceous fossil woods from the Upper Triassic Ischigualasto Formation (San Juan Province, Argentina): paleofloristic and paleoclimatic implications. Journal of Paleontology, 96, 1354–1378.
  11. Bomfleur, B., Decombeix, A., Schwendemann, A., Escapa, I.H., Taylor, E.L., Taylor, T.N. & McLoughlin, S. (2014) Habit and ecology of the Petriellales, An unusual group of seed plants from the Triassic of Gondwana. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 175 (9), 1062–1075.
  12. Brea, M. (1997) Una nueva especie del género Araucarioxylon Kraus 1870, emend. Maheshwari 1972 del Triásico de Agua de la Zorra, Uspallata, Mendoza, Argentina. Ameghiniana, 34, 485–496.
  13. Brea, M., Artabe, A. & Spalletti, L.A. (2008) Ecological reconstruction of a mixed Middle Triassic forest from Argentina. Alcheringa, 32, 365–393.
  14. Caminos, R., Zamuner, A.B., Limarino, C.O. & Fauqué, L. (1995) Triásico Superior fosilífero en la Precordillera riojana. Revista de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 50 (1–4), 262–265.
  15. Correa, G., Bondar, J., Colombi, C., Malnis, P.S., Praderio, A., Martínez, R., Apaldetti, C., Fernández, E., Abelín, D. & Alcober, O. (2019) Systematics and taphonomy of fossil woods from a new locality in the Upper Triassic Carrizal Formation of the El Gigantillo area (Marayes-El Carrizal Basin), San Juan, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 90, 94–106.
  16. Crisafulli, A. & Herbst, R. (2010) Leños gimnospérmicos de la Formación Llantenes (Triásico Superior), Provincia de Mendoza, Argentina. GAEA Journal of Geosciences, 6 (1), 14–20.
  17. Crisafulli, A. & Herbst, R. (2011) La Flora Triásica del Grupo El Tranquilo, provincial de Santa Cruz (Patagonia): Leños Fósiles. Ameghiniana, 48 (3), 275–288.
  18. Cúneo, N.R., Taylor, E.L., Taylor, T.N. & Krings, M. (2003) In situ fossil forest from the upper Fremouw Formation (Triassic) of Antarctica: paleoenvironmental setting and paleoclimate analysis. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 197, 239–261.
  19. Daugherty, L.H. & Stagner, H. R. (1941) The Upper Triassic flora of Arizona. Caenegie Institution of Washington, Washington, 108 pp.
  20. Decombeix, A. L., Bomfleur, B., Taylor, E. L. & Taylor, T. N. (2014) New insights into the anatomy, development, and affinities of corystosperm trees from the Triassic of Antarctica. Review of Paleobotany & Palynology, 203, 22–34.
  21. Del Fueyo, G.M., Taylor, E.L., Taylor, T.N. & Cúneo, R. (1995) Triassic wood from the Gordon Valley, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica. IAWA Journal, 16, 111–126.
  22. Drovandi, J.M., Correa, G.A., Bodnar, J., Colombi, C.E., Coturel, E.P. & Morel, E.M. (2020) A new paleofloristic assemblage from the Cuyana Basin (Agua de los Pajaritos depocenter), Argentina and its paleobiogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 104, 102819.
  23. dos Santos, A.C.S., Guerra-Sommer, M., Barboza, E.G., Degani-Schmidt, I., Siegloch, A.M., Vieira, C.E.L., Vieira, D.T., Bardola, T.P. & Schultz, C.L. (2023) Stressing environmental conditions in the “petrified forest” from the Mata Sequence in the Triassic context of the Paraná Basin. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 128, 104415.
  24. Félix, J. (1887) Untersuchungen über fossile Hölzer 1. Hölz von Phyöngyag in Korea. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 39, 517–528.
  25. Gnaedinger, S. & Zavattieri, A.M. (2020a) Coniferous woods from the Upper Triassic of southwestern Gondwana, Tronquimalal Group, Neuquén Basin, Mendoza Province, Argentina. Journal of Paleontology, 94 (3), 387–416.
  26. Gnaedinger, S., Cariglino, B., Zavattieri, A.M., Monti, M. & Gutiérrez, P.R. (2020b) Neoarthropitys gondwanaensis gen. nov. et sp. nov. from the Middle Triassic of Gondwana: an intermediate stage in the anatomical trend of Equisetalean stems. Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology, 282, 104298.
  27. Gothan, W. (1905) Zur Anatomie lebender und fossiler Gymnosperm-Hölzer. Abhandlungen der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt; N.F., 44, 1–108.
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  29. Herbst, R. & Lutz, A.I. (1988) Rhexoxylon brasiliensis n. sp. (Corystospermaceae, Pteridospermales) from the Upper Triassic Caturrita Formation, Brazil, with comments on biology and environment. Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst, 42, 21–28.
  30. Herbst, R. & Lutz, A.I. (1995) Tranquiloxylon petriellai nov. gen. et sp. (Pteridospermales) from the Upper Triassic Laguna Colorada Formation, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Ameghiniana, 32, 231–236.
  31. Hermsen, E.J., Taylor, T.N., Taylor, E.L. & Stevenson, D.W. (2006) Cataphylls of the Middle Triassic cycad Antarcticycas schopfii and new insights into cycad evolution. American Journal of Botany, 93 (5), 724–738.
  32. Hermsen, E.J., Taylor, E.L. & Taylor, T.N. (2009) Morphology and ecology of the Antarcticycas plant. Review of Paleobotany & Palynology, 153, 108–123.
  33. Khudaiberdyev, R. (1993) Fossil woods of the genus Xenoxylon and their development in the Mesozoic of Middle Asia. In Lucas, S.G. & Morales, M. (Eds), The non-marine Triassic. New-Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science Bulletin, 3, 22–251.
  34. Kim, K., Jeong, E.K., Kim, J.H., Paek, S.D., Suzuki, M. & Philippe, M. (2005) Coniferous fossil woods from the Jogyeri Formation (Upper Triassic) of the Nampo Group, Korea. IAWA Journal, 26, 253–265.
  35. Kräusel, R. (1949) Die fossilen Koniferen-Hölzer (Unter Ausschluß von Araucarioxylon Kraus) II. Teil. Kritische Untersuchungen zur Diagnostik lebender und fossiler Koniferen-Hölzer. Palaeontographica Abteilung B, 89, 83–203.
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