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Type: Article
Published: 2016-08-09
Page range: 398–408
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The Trichoptera of Kazakhstan: A review

Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology, 47 Zverev, Almaty 050010, KAZAKHSTAN
East-Kazakhstan Center of Hydrometeorology, 12 Potanin, Ust-Kamenogorsk 070003, KAZAKHSTAN
East-Kazakhstan Center of Hydrometeorology, 12 Potanin, Ust-Kamenogorsk 070003, KAZAKHSTAN
Batysekoproekt" SRI 34a, Aviagorodok, Aktobe 030000, KAZAKHSTAN
Kazakh Research Institute of Fisheries, Karaganda base of Northern braches postbox 34, Karaganda 100017, KAZAKHSTAN
Kazakh Research Institute of Fisheries, West Kazakhstan Branch, 52/1 Gagarin, Uralsk 090000, KAZAKHSTAN
Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology, 47 Zverev, Almaty 050010, KAZAKHSTAN
Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology, 47 Zverev, Almaty 050010, KAZAKHSTAN
Institute of Hydrobiology and Ecology, 75 Rakhmetova, settlement Irgeli, Karasai district, Almaty region 040916, KAZAKHSTAN
Kazakhstan Centre for Ecology and Biological Resources, 16-41, Zhetysu-3 Almaty 050063, KAZAKHSTAN
caddisflies biodiversity zoogeographic regions


A review of the Kazakh caddisfly fauna has been prepared for the first time based on literature data and results of the authors' own research. Currently 148 species of caddisflies of 59 genera and 17 families are known for Kazakhstan. The most diverse families are Limnephilidae with 35 species, Leptoceridae 20, Hydropsychidae 17, Lepidostomatidae 10, Glossosomatidae 9, and Rhyacophilidae 8 species. In total, these six families account for 67% of total biodiversity of the Kazakhstan caddisfly fauna. Other families are represented by fewer species: Psychomyiidae with 5 species, Hydroptilidae 7, Apataniidae 8, Phryganeidae 8, and Polycentropodidae 7. Only 1–3 species are known for each of the families Philopotamidae, Ecnomidae, Stenopsychidae, Molannidae, Brachycentridae, and Goeridae. The largest numbers of species are known from southern (80 species) and eastern (70 species) Kazakhstan, probably because the aquatic entomofauna in these regions and neighboring territories is better studied. Also, these regions are characterized with the most diverse natural conditions, from semi-desert plains to alpine meadows. Generally, the Kazakhstan caddisfly fauna is poorly studied, and it is expected that new records and new species will be found in Kazakhstan in the future.


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