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Type: Article
Published: 2016-08-09
Page range: 424–431
Abstract views: 222
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DNA identification and morphological description of the larva of Eoneureclipsis montanus (Trichoptera, Psychomyiidae)

IDEA Consultants Inc., 1334−5, Riemon, Yaizu-shi, Shizuoka 421−0212, JAPAN
IDEA Consultants Inc., 1334−5, Riemon, Yaizu-shi, Shizuoka 421−0212, JAPAN
taxonomy caddisflies insect morphology COI Neighbor-Joining Japan


Six genera of Psychomyiidae (Trichoptera) are known from Japan: Psychomyia, Tinodes, Lype, Metalype, Eoneureclipsis and Paduniella. A psychomyiid larva presumed to be Eoneureclipsis montanus was collected in Japan. We compared the COI sequence data of this putative E. montanus larva with those of identified adults to associate adult and larval life stages. Molecular evidence is presented to support the relationship between adults and larvae of E. montanus in Japan. Illustrations of E. montanus larval characters and a key and character matrix to genera of mature larvae of Japanese psychomyiids are provided.


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