For such a humble man, his life had an outsized impact in so many ways. He rarely raised his voice, but he had a hearty laugh. Despite his competitive streak, we never saw him hold a grudge. He was honest, insightful, and treated everyone—regardless of gender, race, nationality, or religion—with respect. In his own words, “I am no different from anyone else—I think of myself as being more important than I actually am. I think that I made important contributions in two areas: teaching and research”. But, without Donald J Reish, the career of everyone who is reading these proceedings would likely be different.
Reish, D.J. (2014). My life as a biologist. [http://ftp.sccwrp.org/pub/download/PRESENTATIONS/Posters/DonReishAutobiography.pdf]
Anonymous (2019). A Tribute to the Career of Donald J. Reish: Teacher...Leader...Friend. [https://vimeo.com/sccwrp/review/391332156/77a2b88557]