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Type: Review
Published: 2021-12-31
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A survey of lifespans in Oribatida excluding Astigmata (Acari)

Institute of Biology, University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, 8010 Graz, Austria
c/o Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstr. 25, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Acari life-history life cycle development longevity generation time


This contribution provides an update on the duration of life cycles and lifespans of oribatid mites based on a literature review. The total lifespan is the sum of the immature developmental time (egg to adult) and the longevity of the adult. Most investigations were carried out in the laboratory, few were performed in the field, under field conditions and/or compared with field data. Many life cycles were investigated under different environmental influences. The life cycles of 144 oribatid species are listed. Compared with the total number of known oribatid species, this number is very low. Data for the total lifespan are given for 52 species, either from observations in the laboratory or estimated in comparison with field studies, but can only be guesses of the real lifespan. The typical lifespan of an oribatid species in temperate or boreal regions lasts between 1 and 2 years, rarely 3 years. The few investigated tropical species from laboratory experiments show generally faster development and shorter lifespans as species from temperate regions; no field studies have been carried out in the tropics yet. Long lifespan periods of 5 to 8 years are particularly characteristic of species in polar regions and in mountainous temperate regions. Some examples of species with different longevity in distinct climate regions, very long lifespans and change of life parameters under stressful laboratory conditions are presented.


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