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Type: Proceedings Papers
Published: 2022-11-30
Page range: 305–306
Abstract views: 145
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Two cases of structural anomalies on dorsal podosomal shields in Raphignathus gracilis (Rack) (Acariformes: Raphignathidae)

Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, Turkey
Plant Health and Environment Laboratory, Ministry for Primary Industries, Auckland, New Zealand
Department of Biology, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, Turkey
Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, Turkey
Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Fırat University, Elazığ, Turkey
Anomaly asymmetric variation mite morphology


Raphignathus gracilis (Rack, 1962) (Raphignathidae) is a widely distributed species and has been recorded from many countries including Turkey (Koç & Ayyıldız 1996; Doğan 2003, 2019; Beron 2020; Mohammad-Doustaresharaf & Kazemi 2022). It can be recognized by having 2 setae on palp femur, 2 pairs of setae on interscutal membrane of idiosoma, no obvious small platelets posteriad of median podosomal shield, 3 pairs of genital setae and 3 setae on femur IV in female (Fan & Yin 2000; Doğan et al. 2019).


  1. Beron, P. (2020) Acarorum Catalogus VII. Trombidiformes, Prostigmata, Raphignathoidea. Fam. Barbutiidae, Caligonellidae, Camerobiidae, Cryptognathidae, Dasythyreidae, Dytiscacaridae, Eupalopsellidae, Homocaligidae, Mecognathidae, Raphignathidae, Stigmaeidae, Xenocaligonellididae. Pensoft & National Museum of Natural History & Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 306 pp.

  2. Bingül, M., Doğan, S. & Doğan, S. (2018) Asymmetric variations in some species of the genus Raphignathus (Acari: Raphignathidae). Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 19(1), 55–58.

  3. Doğan, S. (2003) Descriptions of three new species and two new records of Raphignathus Duges (Acari: Raphignathidae) from Turkey. Archives des Sciences, 56(3), 143–153.

  4. Doğan, S. (2006) Contributions to the knowledge of the raphignathoid mites of Turkey (Acari, Raphignathoidea) with description of a new species. International Journal of Acarology, 32(4), 371–375.

  5. Doğan, S. (2019) Raphignathoidea (Acari: Trombidiformes) of Turkey: A review of progress on the systematics, with an updated checklist. Acarological Studies, 1(2), 129–151.

  6. Doğan, S., Doğan, S. & Erman, O. (2019) Mites of Raphignathus Duges (Acari: Raphignathidae) from Harşit Valley (Turkey), with taxonomic notes on other members of the genus. Plant Protection Bulletin, 59(1), 25–36. (In Turkish)

  7. Fan, Q.-H. & Yin, X.-M. (2000) The genus Raphignathus (Acari: Raphignathidae) from China. Systematic and Applied Acarology, 5, 83–98.

  8. Fan, Q.-H. & Zhang, Z.-Q. (2005) Raphignathoidea (Acari: Prostigmata). Fauna of New Zealand, 52, 1–400.

  9. Gerson, U. (1968) Some raphignathoid mites from Israel. Journal of Natural History, 2, 492–537.

  10. Koç, K. & Ayyıldız, N. (1996) Two species of Raphignathus Dugès (Acari, Prostigmata, Raphignathidae) new to the Turkish fauna. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 20(Supplement), 209–214. (In Turkish)

  11. Mohammad-Doustaresharaf, M. & Kazemi, S. (2022) Description of a new species of Raphignathus Dugès (Acari: Prostigmata: Raphignathidae), with a key to the Iranian species of the genus. Systematic and Applied Acarology, 27(11), 2212–2223.

  12. Rack, G. (1962) Milben aus taubennestem mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art, Acheles gracilis (Acari: Raphignathidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 168(7–10), 276–292. (In German)