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Type: Review
Published: 2021-12-31
Page range: 77–84
Abstract views: 679
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How long do whirligig mites live? A survey of lifespan in Anystidae (Acari: Trombidiformes)

Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Acari Life cycle development lifespan predatory mites Anystidae Prostigmata


The Anystidae are a family of over 100 species of predatory mites commonly seen in soils and on plants worldwide. A few species of genus Anystis have potential as biocontrol agents against some insect and mite pests. Herein I provide a review of the lifespan of the Anystidae as part of a series on the lifespans in the Acari. The full life cycle in this family includes six immature stages (the egg, prelarva, larva, protonymph, deutonymph and tritonymph) and adult males/females. Life history data are only available for a few species. Developmental times from eggs to adults (44 to 82 days at 21 or 22 °C) were reported for three Anystis species. The total lifespan was measured for only one species (Anystis agilis): 66 days at 21 °C. There are two to three generations per year for Anystis species in the field. Summer aestivation was reported for Anystis baccarum, either as eggs or tritonymphs; aestivating tritonymphs may have a developmental time and total lifespan of over 200 and 300 days, respectively.


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