Zootaxa https://mapress.com/zt <p><strong>Zootaxa</strong> is a mega-journal for zoological taxonomists in the world</p> en-US zed@mapress.com (Dr Zhi-Qiang Zhang) zed@mapress.com (Magnolia Press Journal Support Team) Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:16:35 +1300 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 <strong>A review of the genus <em>Cyrtodactylus</em> Gray 1827 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) of Nepal with descriptions of three new species</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.1 <p lang="en-GB" align="left"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">We conduct a review of the known species of <em>Cyrtodactylus </em>from Nepal based on type and topotypical material, resulting in the synonymization of one species and description of three additional species from Central Nepal. The five species of <em>Cyrtodactylus </em>from Nepal are members of the Indo-Burma clade and are at least 11.7 % divergent from known congeners based on the mitochondrial ND2 gene. The results show that <em>C. nepalensis </em>and one of the new species are allied to the <em>C</em>. <em>fasciolatus </em>group while the other two new species and <em>C. martinstolli</em> are members of the mountain subclade within the <em>khasiensis </em>group. The new species can be readily distinguished from congeners in the Himalaya by a combination of body size, meristic characters including number of dorsal tubercle rows and mid ventral scales across the belly, the number and arrangement of pores in males and females, and subcaudal condition. </span></span></span></p> <p> </p> SANTOSH BHATTARAI, BIVEK GAUTAM, BISHAL PRASAD NEUPANE, AKSHAY KHANDEKAR, TEJAS THACKERAY, ISHAN AGARWAL, FRANK TILLACK, ASHLEY R. OLSON, FIONA HOGAN, WENDY WRIGHT Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.1 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong>Taxonomic revision of the genus <em>Jekelius</em> López-Colón, 1989 (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) in the Levant region</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.2 <p lang="en-GB" align="left"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">The genus <em>Jekelius</em> López-Colón, 1989 in the Levant region is revised. <em>Jekelius</em> (<em>Jekelius</em>) <em>bargylus</em> Sommer, Hillert &amp; Král, <strong>sp. nov.</strong>, from Syria,<em> Jekelius</em> (<em>Jekelius</em>) <em>impavidus</em> Sommer, Hillert &amp; Král, <strong>sp. nov.</strong>, from Israel, <em>Jekelius</em> (<em>Jekelius</em>) <em>luciae</em> Sommer, Hillert &amp; Král, <strong>sp. nov.</strong>, from Jordan, and <em>Jekelius</em> (<em>Jekelius</em>) <em>pertinax</em> Sommer, Hillert &amp; Král, <strong>sp. nov.</strong>, from Lebanon and Syria, are described, illustrated, and compared with its congeners. <em>Jekelius </em>(<em>Jekelius</em>)<em> syriacus </em>(Jekel, 1866), <strong>revised status</strong>, is elevated from subspecies to the species status. Lectotype for <em>Geotrupes </em>(<em>Thorectes</em>) <em>laevigatus</em> var. <em>syriacus</em> Jekel, 1866 is designated. Distribution of all these species is summarized and mapped.</span></span></span></p> <p> </p> DAVID SOMMER, OLIVER HILLERT, DAVID KRÁL Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.2 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong>A new species of <em>Amolops monticola</em> group (Amphibia: Ranidae) from Hoang Lien Range, northwest Vietnam</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.3 <p lang="en-GB" align="left"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">Of the 19 species of <em>Amolops</em> reported from Vietnam<em>,</em> 10 are known to occur in the Hoang Lien Range in northwest Vietnam<em>. </em>During field surveys in the Hoang Lien Range, we collected individuals from a population of <em>Amolops </em>that we could not assign to any known species<em>; </em>morphological and molecular data assign these individuals to the <em>Amolops monticola</em> group and we describe a new species to science, <em>Amolops</em> <em>spicalinea</em> <strong>sp. nov</strong>, in reference to a line of horny spinules running along the body below the dorsolateral fold in males. The new species is morphologically and molecularly most similar to <em>Amolops bellulus</em> from Yunnan Province, China but is distinguished from <em>A. bellulus</em> and other congeneric species by a combination of the following characters: (1) SVL of adult males 46.6–52.2 mm, <em>N=</em>3; adult females 60.1–63.0 mm, <em>N=</em>3; (2) vomerine teeth in two oblique rows between choanae; (3) tympanic annulus visible; (4) all finger and toe tips expanded to discs with circummarginal grooves present; (5) skin smooth, except for lateral surfaces of head, below the dorsolateral fold, and the area surrounding cloaca where the texture varies from tiny spinules to large tubercles; (6) dorsolateral fold present with horny spinules along the lower half in males; (7) creamy-white lip stripe extending from tip of snout, terminating in a broken, rugose line above axilla; (8) dorsum reddish brown or greenish brown with numerous small black spots; flanks yellowish brown to dark brown; ventral surface of body orange-yellow with small brown spots present on chest and throat; (9) interdigital finger webbing absent; toes fully webbed to discs except on Toes IV where webbing reaches discs as a fringe, webbing formula: I0–0II0–0III0–1<sup>+</sup>IV1<sup>+</sup>–0V; (10) outer metatarsal tubercles absent; (11) vocal sac absent in males, and (12) nuptial pad velvety without spines. Our phylogenetic analysis using 16S ribosomal RNA mitochondrial gene and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) genes show that <em>Amolops</em> <em>spicalinea</em> <strong>sp. nov</strong>. is sister to <em>Amolops bellulus</em> 2 from Yunnan, China. The new species is currently known from only three localities in the Hoang Lien Range between 2288–2493 m asl and is threatened by habitat loss and degradation. This species likely qualifies for being assessed as Endangered in accordance with the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species categories and criteria (B1ab).</span></span></span></p> <p> </p> LUAN THANH NGUYEN, BENJAMIN TAPLEY, TOI VAN LA, JODI J. L. ROWLEY Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.3 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong>Two new species of the genera <em>Pseudocandona</em> and <em>Cytherissa</em> (Ostracoda, Podocopida) from the coastal zone of Lake Baikal</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.4 <p lang="en-GB" align="left"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">Most freshwater ostracods are endemic at either the local or regional level, and ancient lakes, such as Lakes Baikal and Tanganyika, are biodiversity hotspots for this group of organisms. Here we describe and name two new species of endemic ostracods from Lake Baikal in honor of Professors Stephanie Guildford and Robert Hecky who served as editors for the Journal of Great Lakes Research for 13 years. Illustrated descriptions of females and males of these two ostracod species of the genera <em>Pseudocandona</em> Kaufmann, 1900 and <em>Cytherissa</em> Sars, 1925—<em>Pseudocandona</em> <em>guildfordae</em> Alekseeva, Krivorotkin &amp; Timoshkin <strong>sp. nov.</strong> and <em>Cytherissa</em> <em>heckyi</em> Alekseeva, Krivorotkin &amp; Timoshkin <strong>sp. nov.</strong>—are presented and their habitats briefly described. These species were discovered when examining the ostracod collections of the famous Russian freshwater biologist, Prof. G.F. Mazepova.</span></span></span></p> <p> </p> TATYANA M. ALEKSEEVA, ROMAN S. KRIVOROTKIN, MARIANNE V. MOORE, OLEG A. TIMOSHKIN Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.4 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong>A distinctive new species of spongicolid shrimp assigned to the genus <em>Spongicola</em> De Haan, 1844 (Decapoda: Stenopodidea) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.5 <p lang="en-GB" align="left"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">A new species of stenopodidean shrimp, assigned to the genus <em>Spongicola</em> De Haan, 1844, is described and illustrated based on the male holotype collected from the vicinity of Ie Island, Okinawa Islands, Ryukyu Islands, at a depth of 286 m. <em>Spongicola kabuki</em> <strong>sp. nov.</strong> stands out within the family Spongicolidae due to its unique characteristics. These include a lance-shaped rostrum with a distinct ventral blade, a prominent, sub-semicircular notch on the proximal part of the rostrum, of which the posterior end forms a large postrostral tooth, a distinct spinulose process arising at the anteromesial angle of the eyestalk, and propodi of the fourth and fifth pereopods having numerous spiniform setae on flexor margins, arranged in two rows in the distal parts. The holotype male inhabited in an inner space formed by a bag-shaped colony of an unidentified antipatharian coral (Anthozoa) together with a female individual not preserved for study, although all known species of <em>Spongicola</em> are associated with hexactinellid sponges. The discovery of this new species led the authors to revisit the relationship between <em>Spongicola</em> and <em>Paraspongicola</em> de Saint Laurent &amp; Cleva, 1981, and the synonymy of <em>Paraspongicola</em> with <em>Spongicola</em> is herein confirmed. <em>Spongicola</em> is now represented by 13 species worldwide.</span></span></span></p> <p> </p> TOMOYUKI KOMAI, TAKUO HIGASHIJI Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.5 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong><em>Pwaxumak keysersozei</em>, a new genus and species of Oedicerotidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from New Caledonia</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.6 <p lang="en-GB" align="left"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">A recent and intense exploration of New Caledonia marine life by the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturel de Paris (France) has revealed a new genus of Oedicerotidae. The charismatic new genus and species, <em>Pwaxumak keysersozei</em> can be distinguished from its congeners at both the generic and species level by the distinctly chelate gnathopods 1 and 2. It is reported from three specimens collected in shallow water muddy sediments. The regional amphipod list for New Caledonia is updated to 221 published species following on from the Lowry’s (2007) checklist.</span></span></span></p> <p> </p> BENOIT GOUILLIEUX, LAUREN E. HUGHES Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.6 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong>Lost in the Amazon: Rediscovery of the Rio Santa Rosa Mushroomtongue Salamander (Caudata: Plethondontidae) from Ayacucho, Peru</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.7 <p lang="en-GB" align="left"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;"><em>Bolitoglossa digitigrada</em> Wake, Brame and Thomas, 1982 was described from a few kilometers upstream from the Rio Santa Rosa, Ayacucho Region, Peru, at 1000 m a.s.l. in the Eastern Amazonian Montane Forest. Besides the type specimens, no additional collections or sightings of <em>B. digitigrada</em> had been reported for 43 years, and there is no information about its phylogenetic position inside its group. During a field expedition conducted in October 2022, we found four individuals of <em>B. digitigrada</em> in a corn and banana field near the community of San Jose, approximately 2.7 km from the type locality. Here, we provide information about living specimens, update description of coloration in life, elevation, and evaluate the phylogenetic relationships of <em>B. digitigrada </em>with a molecular phylogeny based on a 16S rRNA sequence.</span></span></span></p> <p> </p> VALIA HERRERA-ALVA, ERNESTO CASTILLO-URBINA, ALESSANDRO CATENAZZI, LUIS FAJARDO, KIMBERLY ÑACCHA, CÉSAR AGUILAR-PUNTRIANO Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.7 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong>Review of <em>Indialis</em> Peters & Edmunds 1970 (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae)</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.8 <p lang="en-GB" align="left"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">Larva, subimago, imagines of both sexes and eggs of <em>Indialis</em> <em>badia</em> Peters &amp; Edmunds 1970 are redescribed based on imagines reared from larvae. New synonymy is established: <em>Indialis</em> <em>badia</em> Peters &amp; Edmunds 1970 (= <em>Indialis thirparapensis</em> Muthukatturaja &amp; Balasubramanian 2022, <strong>syn. nov.</strong>; <em>Indialis payaswini</em> Muthukatturaja &amp; Balasubramanian 2022, <strong>syn. nov.</strong>; <em>Indialis kannani</em> Muthukatturaja &amp; Balasubramanian 2022, <strong>syn. nov.</strong>; <em>Indialis kodagi</em> Muthukatturaja &amp; Balasubramanian 2022, <strong>syn. nov.</strong>). Based on imagines reared from larvae, larva, subimago, female imago and egg of <em>Indialis</em> <em>rossi</em> Peters 1975 are described for the first time, and male imago of this species is redescribed.</span></span></span></p> <p> </p> NIKITA KLUGE Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.8 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong>120-year gap: new records of Myrmecophilidae (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Gryllotalpoidea) to Brazil</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.9 <p lang="en-GB" align="left"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="color: #090912;">A new record of </span><span style="color: #090912;"><em>Myrmecophilus</em></span><span style="color: #090912;"> (</span><span style="color: #090912;"><em>Myrmophilina</em></span><span style="color: #090912;">) </span><span style="color: #090912;"><em>americanus</em></span><span style="color: #090912;"> Saussure, 1877, in urban areas of Brazil is presented. This is the first record of ant-loving crickets in this region since 1905. Additional records from citizen science data suggest a wider presence of these crickets in Brazil. A distribution map of the records in Brazil and an updated Brazilian key are also included.</span></span></span></span></p> <p> </p> ALESSANDRE PEREIRA-COLAVITE, IGOR NASCIMENTO DE SOUZA, ALINE LOURENÇO, ANTONIO JOSÉ CREÃO-DUARTE Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.9 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong><em>Mimachrostia jinggangshana</em> sp. nov., a new species from Jiangxi Province, China (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Hypenodinae, Micronoctuini)</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.10 JUN WU, WEN-YU LIU, HUI-LIN HAN Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.10 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300 <strong>Erratum: AMIT SAYYED, RAHUL KHOT & JAYADITYA PURKAYASTHA (2025) A new tuberculate house gecko species (Squamata: Gekkonidae: <em>Hemidactylus</em>) from the northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India. <em>Zootaxa</em>, 5583 (2): 293–308.</strong> https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.11 AMIT SAYYED, RAHUL KHOT, JAYADITYA PURKAYASTHA Copyright (c) 2025 https://mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.5594.3.11 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +1300