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Type: Review
Published: 2024-12-23
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Checklist of the Cretaceous gymnospermous wood (updated December 2024)

Kunming University, Kunming 650214, China; Institute of Palaeontology, Yunnan Key Laboratory of Earth System Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
Institute of Palaeontology, Yunnan Key Laboratory of Earth System Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China; Southwest United Graduate School, Kunming 650092, China
fossil wood Cretaceous palaeogeographical distribution stratigraphic distribution


A list of all known fossil wood taxa recorded from the Cretaceous, up to December of 2024, is given. The list contains 57 genera and 317 species of gymnospermous wood described from 48 countries across seven continents. 39 genera and 165 species were reported from Asia, 28 genera and 67 species from Europe, 33 genera and 48 species from Africa, 20 genera and 48 species from North America, 13 genera and 35 species from South America, 4 genera and 4 species from Australia and 5 genera and 12 species from Antarctica. 54 genera and 171 species were documented from the Lower Cretaceous, and 26 genera and 76 species from the Upper Cretaceous. Systematically, 1 genus and 2 species belong to Cycadales, 1 monotypic genus belongs to Bennettitales, 2 genera and 3 species belong to Ginkgoales, 52 genera and 306 species are of Coniferales, and 1 genus and 3 species are incertae sedis.


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  12. Boureau, E. (1951) Etude paléoxylologique de l’Afrique du Nord: présence du Dadoxylon (Araucarioxylon) teixeirae Boureau dans le Haut-Atlas du Maroc. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique, 4, 121–133.
  13. Boureau, E. (1952) Étude del flores fossiles du territoire du Tchad. I. Protopodocarpoxylon rochii nov. sp., bois fossile mésozoïque. Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, 24, 223–232.
  14. Boureau, E. (1957) Sur le Protopodocarpoxylon teixeirae Boureau. Affinités. Répartition géographique. Signification stratigraphique. Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal, 38, 423–430.
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  19. Cheng, Y., Wang, X., Chen, X. & Liu, F. (2023) The Early Cretaceous woods in Yichun: Evidence for conifer diversity and paleoenvironment significance. Acta Geologica Sinica, 97, 661–671.
  20. Chudajberdyev, R.Kh. & Tashmukhamedova, Z.Z. (1981) Cupressinoxylon jamanjarsaense Chudajb. in Chudajb., Tashmukh. Paleobotanika Uzbekistana, 3, 82.
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  22. Cui, J. (1995) Studies on the fusinized-wood fossils of Podocarpaceae from Huolinhe Coalfield Inner Mongolia China. Acta Botanica Sinica, 37, 636–640.
  23. Cui, J. & Liu, J. (1992) A new species of the genus Phyllocladoxylon—Phyllocladoxylon xinqiuensis sp.nov. from the Fuxin Formation in western Liaoning. Acta Botanica Sinica, 11, 883–885.
  24. Del Fueyo, G.M. (1998) Conifer woods from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia Argentina. Revista Espanola de Paleontología, 13, 43–50.
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  29. Ding, Q.H., Li, X.H., Li, W.B., Zhang, Z.B., Chen, S.W., Zhang, J., Sun, S.L. & Zhang, Y.J. (2022) The Lower Cretaceous petrified wood in northern Liaoning: paleoclimatic significance. Geology & Resources, 31, 13–20.
  30. Du, N. (1982) Two fossil woods from Heilongjiang Sheng of China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 24 (4), 383–387. [In Chinese with English abstract]
  31. Duan, S.Y. (2000) Several fossil woods from Mesozoic of western Liaoning Province, Northeast, China. Acta Botanica Sinica, 42, 207–213.
  32. Duan, S., Cui, J., Wang, X., Xiong, B. & Wang, Y. (1995) Fossil wood from the Early Cretaceous of western Liaoning, China. In: Wu, S.M, (Ed.), Wood anatomy research. International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 166–171.
  33. Dupéron-Laudoueneix, M. (1991a) Importance of fossil woods (conifers and angiosperms) discovered in continental Mesozoic sediments of Northern Equatorial Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 12, 391–396.
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  36. Egerton, V.M., Williams, C.L. & Lacovara, K.J. (2016) A new Late Cretaceous (late Campanian to early Maastrichtian) wood flora from southern Patagonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 44, 305–316.
  37. Eckhold, W. (1921) Die Hoftüpfel bei rezenten und fossilen Coniferen. In: Jahrbuch der Preuß. Jahrbuch der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin, 42, 427–505.
  38. Falcon-Lang, H. & Cantrill, D.J. (2000) Cretaceous (Late Albian) coniferales of Alexander Island, Antarctica. 1: Wood taxonomy: a quantitative approach. Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology, 111, 1–417.
  39. Fletcher, T.L., Cantrill, D.J., Moss, P.T. & Salisbury, S.W. (2014) A new species of Protophyllocladoxylon from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) portion of the Winton Formation, central-western Queensland, Australia. Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology, 208, 43–49.
  40. Gazeau, F. & Koeniger, J.C. (1970) Sur quelques structures homoxylées du Mésozoïque de l’Afrique nord-équatoriale. Comptes Rendus du 92e Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Sciences, 92, 53–69.
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  50. Greppi, C.D., Pujana, R.R. & Scasso, R.A. (2020) Fossil woods from the Lower Cretaceous Tres Lagunas Formation of central Patagonia (Chubut Province, Argentina). Cretaceous Research, 108, 104322.
  51. Guleria, J.S. & Shukla, A. (2008) Occurrence of a conifer wood in the desert of Rajasthan and its climatic significance. Geophytology, 37, 81–85.
  52. Jain, K.P. (1965) A new species of Mesembrioxylon, M, rajmahalense from the Rajmahal Hills, Birhar, India. Palaeobotanist, 13, 53–154.
  53. Jeyasingh, D.E.P & Kumarasamy, D. (1994) Araucarioxylon from the Spriperumbudur Formation, Upper Gondwana, Tamil Nadu, India. Geophytology, 24, 43–48.
  54. Jiang, Z., Wu, H., Tian, N., Wang, Y. & Xie, A. (2020) A new species of conifer wood Brachyoxylon from the Cretaceous of Eastern China and its paleoclimate significance. Historical Biology, 35 (10), 1941–1949.
  55. Jud, N.A., Rothwell, G.W. & Stockey, R.A. (2010) Paleoecological and Phylogenetic Implications of Saxicaulis meckertii gen. et sp. nov.: A Bennettitalean Stem from the Upper Cretaceous of Western North America. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 171, 915–925.
  56. Hao, R., Jiang, Z., Xu, K., Ning, Z., Tian, N. & Wang, Y. (2024) New investigations on Cretaceous woods from the Jiaolai Basin, Shandong Province and their palaeoclimate relevance. Cretaceous Research, 166, 106030.
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  63. Iamandei, E.P. & Iamandei, S. (1999) Bois fossiles de coniferes dans l’Aptien de Dobroudja de Sud, Roumanie. Acta Palaeontologica Romania, 2, 191–199.
  64. Iamandei, E.P. & Iamandei, S. (2005) Early Cretaceous protopinaceous fossil wood from South Dobrogea, Romania. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 5, 231–247.
  65. Kim, K., Huh, M. & Jeong, E.K. (2002) Coniferous fossil woods from the Mesozoic of Jeollanamdo Prefecture. The Geological Society of Korea, Kongju University, 25 pp.
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