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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-11
Page range: 493–509
Abstract views: 56
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Ten new species of the genus Phortica from the Afrotropical and Oriental regions (Diptera: Drosophilidae)

Department of Entomology, South China Agricultural University, Wushan 483, Tianhe, Guangzhou, 510642 China
Czech Entomological Society, CZ-12843 Praha, Czech Republic
Diptera Afrotropical region Drosophilidae new species Oriental region Phortica


Ten new species of the genus Phortica are described from the Afrotropical and Oriental regions: P. (Allophortica)chingolaensis Chen & Máca, sp. nov., P. (Ashima) eseta Chen, sp. nov., P. (Ashima) mediarista Chen, sp. nov., P. (Ashima)nakanoi Chen, sp. nov., P. (Ashima) biclavata Chen, sp. nov., P. (Phortica) ancistria Chen, sp. nov., P. (Phortica)monoceaena Chen, sp. nov., P. (Phortica) dirhopala Chen, sp. nov., P. (Phortica) ryukyuensis Chen, sp. nov. and P. (Phortica) sumatraensis Chen, sp. nov. A species list of the genus Phortica is provided.


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