We describe a new species of hylid frog, Bokermannohyla sapiranga sp. nov., from Central Brazil (15°55’49” S,47°52’59” W, 1110m asl). The species is characterized by medium size (males snout-vent length 45.6±4.7mm, N=13; fe-males 46.9±6.2, N=4) for the B. pseudopseudis group and by iris color varying from orange to reddish. The advertisementcall is similar in some aspects to calls of B. pseudopseudis, but differs mainly by structure and spectral features, but alsotemporal ones such as call length, note duration, and number of notes per call. The new species uses streams with muddybeds in gallery forests as well as rocky bed streams in the highlands of Goiás State and Distrito Federal. The new speciesis tentatively included in the B. pseudopseudis group based on shared morphological features, ecology, and behavior. Mor-phometric analysis of size-independent variables indicated that B. sapiranga differs from B. pseudopseudis mostly in head length and width, interorbital distance, and diameter of the fourth toe disc.References
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