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Type: Articles
Published: 2010-08-20
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Fourteen new species of the genus Gabrius Stephens, 1829 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Philonthina) from China

Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West Rd., Chaoyang District, 100101 Beijing, P. R. China Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 19 Yuquan Rd., Shijingshan District, 100039 Beijing, P. R. China
International Research Institute for Entomology, Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, A-1010 Wien, Austria
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West Rd., Chaoyang District, 100101 Beijing, P. R. China
Coleoptera Staphylininae Philonthina Gabrius new species China


The genus Gabrius Stephens, 1829 is a large and relatively well studied group in the subtribe Philonthina. In this paper, fourteen new species of the genus Gabrius from China are described and illustrated: G. breviantennatus sp. n. from Hubei; G. instrigatus sp. n. from Tibet; G. hong sp. n. from Ningxia and Shaanxi; G. zhaoi sp. n. from Ningxia; G. disparatus sp. n. from Beijing; G. extraneus sp. n. from Beijing and Shanxi; G. leigongshanus sp. n. from Guizhou and Hubei; G. batangensis sp. n., G. brevistrigatus sp. n., G. curvus sp. n., G. dentatus sp. n., G. nasiformis sp. n. and G. yaanensis sp. n. from Sichuan and G. tortilis sp. n. from Shaanxi, Ningxia, Sichuan, Yunnan and Hubei. Thus, a total of 43 species of the genus Gabrius are known from China.


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