The first English language account of the diverse animal species of China |
![]() Contents of Volume 1 (2000)
for Authors
Aims and scope Fauna of China aims at promoting and advancing faunistic research in China by providing a dedicated forum for zootaxonomists in China and elsewhere to publish, rapidly and free of charge, papers on any aspects of the fauna of China. Fauna of China is published in English to make it accessible to a wider readership in the world. Taxonomic reviews, revisions and monographs (esp. along with phylogenetic analysis or zoogeographical analysis) of supra-specific taxa are preferred. Welcomed also are manuscripts containing descriptions of new taxa, checklists, full taxonomic catalogue and taxonomic keys. Manuscripts with only description of a single species can not be accepted unless other species of the same species-group or genus are either listed, catalogued, reviewed or keyed. Manuscripts by retired Chinese zootaxonomists and graduate students who do not have funds to publish their work in China will be given priority. There is no limit on the length of manuscripts, although authors who intend to submit monographs of >300 manuscript pages should write to the editor before submission. Submission of a manuscript implies that the results have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. It is assumed that all authors of a multi-authored manuscript agree to its submission. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least one specialist of the group outside China before acceptance for publication. Fauna of China is published in hardcover volumes of ca 200 pages. A volume is published as soon as accepted papers are accumulated to 200 pages. Each volume is assigned an ISBN. Volume 1 was published in 2000, volumes 2-3 in 2001 and volume 4 in 2002. Volume 5 is planned and manuscripts are invited. Presentation All manuscripts must be in English. A manuscript must start with a concise title followed by the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s). An abstract of no more than 500 words should be included before the text. This should be followed by up to 6 key words. Headings such as Introduction, Materials and methods, Results (or Analysis), Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References may be used. The text should be followed by tables, appendices (if any), figure captions, and figures, all of which must be numbered consecutively. Scientific names with authors should be given when names of any animal species are first mentioned. Manuscripts should be double spaced with at least 2 cm margins. New taxa, new combinations and new synonyms should be indicated as fam. nov., gen. nov., sp. nov, com. nov. and syn. nov. The data for holotype and paratype(s) and their depositories must be provided in the original descriptions. All material examined should also be listed. Illustrations should have the author's (s') name(s) and the figure number(s) on the back. When preparing the illustrations, authors should bear in mind that the book has a matter size of 16 cm x 10 cm and is printed on 20 x 14 cm papers. Photographs are not acceptable for descriptions of new taxa; line drawings should be submitted. References should be cited in the text in the following format. One author paper: Zhou (1999) or (Zhou, 1999). Two-author paper: Zheng and Liu (1992) or (Zheng & Liu, 1992). Paper by three or more author: Feng et al. (1997) or (Feng et al., 1997). All dated references cited in the text should be listed in alphabetical order in the bibliography; literature not cited in the text should not be listed. The names of all authors should be given for each reference. The titles of the journals should be given in full to facilitate computer search. For titles of books or journals published in Chinese without original English/Latin translations, please supply an English translation; pingyin may also be included after the translation. The references should be arranged in the following format for books, book chapters, journal articles and web pages/sites. Feng, P.-Z., Guo, Y.-Y. & Wu, F.-Z. (1997) Cockroach Species of China and Their Control [Zhongguo Zhanglang Zhonglei Ji Fangzhi]. China Science and Technology Publishing House, Beijing, 206 pp. [in Chinese]. Zheng, L.-Y. & Liu, G. (1992) Hemiptera: Miridae. In: Peng, C.-W. (Ed.), Iconography of Forest Insects from Hunan. Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House, pp. 290-305 [in Chinese with English abstract]. Zhou, H.-Z. (1999) Distribution patterns and zoogeography of Eumolpidae of Fujian Province, China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 24, 65-75. [in Chinese with English abstract]. (note that journal title should be spelt in full) Wang, X.-Y. (2002) Title of website, database or other resources. Publisher name and location (if indicated). Available from: full web address (Date of access). (Note that for web publication, the date is the last date the website was updated or the date indicated by author(s); the date of your last access needs to be given to indicate that that website was there then; this is important because websites can be moved or deleted). Submission Potential author(s) should their manuscripts to Dr Zhi-Qiang Zhang
by e-mail. Files saved in Rich Text Format (rtf) are preferred, although files saved in other softwares such as Word are acceptable. Submission of manuscripts by e-mail is encouraged. Please submit text as rft files and figures as TIFF files. Offprints Authors of each paper receive, free of charge, an e-reprint by e-mail
(or disk). E-reprints are in PDF format and can be
read by Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is installed on most computers or can
be downloaded free from www.adobe.com).
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Published on 24 Jul, 2008