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Type: Article
Published: 2021-12-17
Page range: 76–80
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The correct name for the North African rock lizard is Agama bibronii A. Duméril in Duméril & Duméril, 1851, not Agama impalearis Boettger, 1874 (Reptilia, Squamata)

Society for Southeast Asian Herpetology, Calle Rio Segura26, 30600 Archena/Murcia, Spain
Commission’s ruling homonymy suppressed name index valid name Official List


            Over half a century ago, Mertens (1955) noted that the name Agama bibronii A. Duméril in Duméril & Duméril, 1851 for a North African agamid lizard species was preoccupied by Trapelus (Psammorrhoa) bibronii Fitzinger, 1843, a species inhabiting South Africa. He consequently stated that the next available name for Agama bibronii ‘Duméril, 1851’, namely Agama colonorum var. impalearis Boettger, 1874 should be applied to this taxon. Until today, the herpetological literature contains examples where either Agama bibronii ‘Duméril, 1851’ or Agama impalearis Boettger, 1874 is used to denominate the North African rock agama. However, an apparently overlooked ruling by the Commission suppressed the name Trapelus (Psammorrhoa) bibronii Fitzinger, 1843, so that Agama bibronii A. Duméril in Duméril & Duméril, 1851 is the valid name for the North African rock agama.


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