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Type: Article
Published: 2022-08-25
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The Linz Zoocode project. Fifth report of activities (2022).
Nomenclatural availability. 4. Electronic publication

Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, EPHE, Université des Antilles, Paris, France
Takehara Station, Setouchi Field Science Center, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University, 5–8–1 Minato-machi, Takehara, Hiroshima, 725–0024, Japan
Department of Biology and Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Stewardship, Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085, USA
Museu de História Natural e da Ciência, Universidade do Porto, Praça de Gomes Teixeira, 4099-002 Porto, Portugal
Department of Terrestrial Invertebrates, The National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa; Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha, South Africa
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium
Association RACINE, 5 allée des Cygnes, 35750 Saint Maugan, France
Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Route de Malagnou 1, 1208 Genève, Switzerland
DECOD (Ecosystem Dynamics and Sustainability), INRAE, Institut Agro, IFREMER, 35042 Rennes, France
Biosecurity Surveillance & Incursion Investigation Plant Health Team, Ministry for Primary Industries, Christchurch, New Zealand
Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, EPHE, Université des Antilles, Paris, France
Universität Greifswald, Allgemeine & Systematische Zoologie, Greifswald, Germany
FlyEvidence, Pentrefoelas, LL24 0TA, Wales, United Kingdom
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Member of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature; retired head of the invertbrate collection (except insects), Biology Centre of the Upper Austrian Museum, J.-W.-Klein-Str. 73, 4040 Linz, Austria
Nomenclatural availability electronic publication promulgation different versions of publications version of record online supplementary material onomatergies catastasies airesies Zoobank


This fifth report of activities of the Linz Zoocode Committee is devoted to a detailed survey of the problems raised by the current Rules of the Code, published in 2012, regarding the nomenclatural availability of works published online and registered on the database Zoobank. It points to various deficiencies in these Rules and in the conception and functioning of Zoobank, which result in uncertainties regarding the availability of these works and of their various versions. It proposes new wordings for these Rules, as well as for the terminology used regarding electronic publications.


  1. Anonymous [International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature] (1985) International code of zoological nomenclature. ‘Third edition’. London (International Trust for zoological Nomenclature): i–xx + 1–338.

  2. Anonymous [International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature] (1999) International code of zoological nomenclature. ‘Fourth edition’. London (International Trust for zoological Nomenclature): i‒xxix + 1‒306.

  3. Anonymous [NISO] (2008) Journal Article Versions (JAV): recommendations of the NISO/ALPSP JAV Technical Working Group. Baltimore (NISO): [i–ii] + i–viii + 1–27.

  4. Anonymous [International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature] (2012) Amendment of Articles 8, 9, 10, 21 and 78 of the International Code of Zoological nomenclature to expand and refine methods of publication. Zootaxa, 3450: 1–7.

  5. Anonymous [International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature] (2014) Zoological nomenclature and electronic publication—a reply to Dubois et al. (2013). Zootaxa, 3779 (1): 3–5.

  6. Anquetin, J. (2015) Establishment of a lectotype for the species Plesiochelys langii Rütimeyer, 1873. PeerJ, 1108: 1–3. <>.

  7. Anquetin, J., Püntener, C. & Billon-Bruyat, J.-P. (2014) A taxonomic review of the late Jurassic eucryptodiran turtles from the Jura mountains (Switzerland and France). PeerJ, 369: 1–45. <>.

  8. Baird, S. F. & Girard, C. F. (1854) Descriptions of new species of fishes collected in Texas, New Mexico and Sonora, by Mr. John H. Clark, on the U.S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, and in Texas by Capt. Stewart Van Vliet, U.S.A. Proceedings of the Academy of natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 7: 24‒29.

  9. Batsch, A. J. G. C. (1796) Umriß der gesammten Naturgeschichte: ein Auszug aus den frühern Handbüchern des Verfassers für seine Vorfesungen. Jena & Leipzig (Christian Ernst Gabler): i–xvi + 1–287 + 3–160 + [1–32] + [i–vi] + 1–80.

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  11. Böhme, W. & Jablonski, D. (2022) Making forgotten information available: an early study on the Afghanistan Mountain Salamander Paradactylodon (Afghanodon) mustersi (Smith, 1940) (Caudata: Hynobiidae). Bonn zoological Bulletin, 71 (1): 1‒7.

  12. Bonaparte, C. L. (1838) Iconografia della fauna italica per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati. Vol. 2. Fasciculo 22. Roma (Salviucci): Hyla viridis, Raganella arborea: [193–198].

  13. Bour, R. & Dubois, A. (1984) Nomenclatural availability of Testudo coriacea Vandelli, 1761: a case against a rigid application of the Rules to old, well-known zoological words. Journal of Herpetology, ‘1983’, 17: 356–361.

  14. Bruun, A. F. (1950) The Systema Naturae of the twentieth century. Science, 112: 342–343. <>.

  15. Carvalho Moura, A. M. de, Machado Campos, M. L. & Barreto, C. M. (1998) A survey of metadata for describing and retrieving Internet resources. World Wide Web, 1 (4): 221–240. <>.

  16. Ceríaco, L. M. P., Gutiérrez, E. E., Dubois, A. et al. [490 additional signatories] (2016) Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences. Zootaxa, 4196 (3): 435–445. <>.

  17. Cranston, P. S., Krell, F.-T., Walker, K. & Hewes, D. (2015) Wiley’s EarlyView constitutes valid publication for date-sensitive nomenclature. Systematic Entomology, 40: 2–4. <>.

  18. Dubois, A. (2000) Synonymies and related lists in zoology: general proposals, with examples in herpetology. Dumerilia, 4 (2): 33‒98.

  19. Dubois, A. (2003) Editorial. Should internet sites be mentioned in the bibliographies of scientific publications? Alytes, 21 (1‒2): 1‒2.

  20. Dubois, A. (2005a) Proposals for the incorporation of nomina of higher-ranked taxa into the Code. Bulletin of zoological Nomenclature, 62 (4): 200–209.

  21. Dubois, A. (2005b) Proposed Rules for the incorporation of nomina of higher-ranked zoological taxa in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 1. Some general questions, concepts and terms of biological nomenclature. Zoosystema, 27 (2): 365–426.

  22. Dubois, A. (2008) A partial but radical solution to the problem of nomenclatural taxonomic inflation and synonymy load. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 93: 857–863. <>.

  23. Dubois, A. (2010a) Contributions to the discussion on electronic publication IV. (6) Registration as a fourth floor of the nomenclatural process. Bulletin of zoological Nomenclature, 67 (1): 11–23.

  24. Dubois, A. (2010b) Retroactive changes should be introduced in the Code only with great care: problems related to the spellings of nomina. Zootaxa, 2426 (1): 1–42. <>.

  25. Dubois, A. (2011) The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature must be drastically improved before it is too late. Bionomina, 2: 1–104. <>.

  26. Dubois, A. (2013) Zygoidy, a new nomenclatural concept. Bionomina, 6: 1‒25. <>.

  27. Dubois, A. (2015) Zoological nomina in the century of extinctions: new proposals. Bionomina, 8: 11–53. <>.

  28. Dubois, A. (2017a) A few problems in the generic nomenclature of insects and amphibians, with recommendations for the publication of new generic nomina in zootaxonomy and comments on taxonomic and nomenclatural databases and websites. Zootaxa, 4237 (1): 1–16. <>.

  29. Dubois, A. (2017b) The nomenclatural status of Hysaplesia, Hylaplesia, Dendrobates and related nomina (Amphibia, Anura), with general comments on zoological nomenclature and its governance, as well as on taxonomic databases and websites. Bionomina, 11: 1–48. <>.

  30. Dubois, A. (2017c) The need for reference specimens in zoological taxonomy and nomenclature. Bionomina, 12: 4–38.

  31. Dubois, A. (2017d) Diagnoses in zoological taxonomy and nomenclature. Bionomina, 12: 64–88.

  32. Dubois, A. (2017e) Report 2017-1 of the Observatory on Availability in Zoological Nomenclature. Dumerilia, 7: 50–61.

  33. Dubois, A. (2020a) The status regarding publication date and availability of taxonomic works published online without proper Zoobank registration. Bionomina, 18: 44‒55.

  34. Dubois, A. (2020b) Nomenclatural consequences of the Oculudentavis khaungraae case, with comments on the practice of ‘retraction’ of scientific publications. Zoosystema, 42 (23): 475‒482. <>.

  35. Dubois, A. (2020c) ‘Retraction’ of taxonomic papers: the meaning of the word ‘issued’ and related ones in zoological nomenclature. Zoosystema, 42 (26): 519‒523. <>.

  36. Dubois, A. (2021) It is high time that taxonomists follow the Code. 4. Amphibia of Indochina. Bionomina, 24: 38‒50. <>.

  37. Dubois, A. (2022) Type species of genera in zoological nomenclature. Bionomina, 26: 1‒33. < 646/bionomina.26.1.1>.

  38. Dubois, A. & Aescht, E. (ed.) (2016a) LZC Session 2. Discussion INF-01. Nomenclatural problems with electronic publications. Dumerilia, 6: 45–46.

  39. Dubois, A. & Aescht, E. (ed.) (2016b) LZC Session 6. Proposal AVA-01. Observatory on Availability in Zoological Nomenclature. Dumerilia, 6: 62–70.

  40. Dubois, A. & Aescht, E. (ed.) (2017) LZC Session 13. Proposal AVA-04. Problems with the 2012 Amendment of the Code. Dumerilia, 7: 35–47.

  41. Dubois, A. & Aescht, E. (ed.) (2019) LZC Session 16. What is the meaning of ‘fixed content and layout’ in Article of the 2012 Amendment of the Code? Consequences regarding this Amendment. Dumerilia, 8: 6‒34.

  42. Dubois, A., Aneesh, P. T., Bauer, A. M., Ceríaco, L. M. P., Daniel, G. M., Dellapé, P., Engel, M. S., Frétey, T., Löbl, I., Lorvelec, O., Marinov, M., Ohler, A., Schmitt, M., Whittington, A., Young, M. & Aescht, E. (2021c) Optical discs in zoological nomenclature: problems and proposed solution. Bionomina, 24: 1‒8.

  43. Dubois, A., Aneesh, P. T., Bauer, A. M., Ceríaco, L. M. P., Daniel, G. M., De Prins, J., Frétey, T., Löbl, I., Lorvelec, O., Marinov, M., Ohler, A., Schmitt, M., Whittington, A. & Aescht, E. (2022c) The Linz Zoocode project. Fourth report of activity (2021). Nomenclatural availability 3. Paper publication. Bionomina, 28: 50‒70. <>.

  44. Dubois, A., Aneesh, P. T., Bauer, A. M., Ceríaco, L. M. P., Daniel, G. M., Frétey, T., Löbl, I., Lorvelec, O., Marinov, M., Ohler, A., Schmitt, M., Whittington, A. & Aescht, E. (2022a) The Linz Zoocode project. Second report of activity (2020). Nomenclatural availability. 1. What is nomenclatural availability? Bionomina, 28: 1‒17. < 646/bionomina.28.1.1>.

  45. Dubois, A., Aneesh, P. T., Bauer, A. M., Ceríaco, L. M. P., Daniel, G. M., Frétey, T., Löbl, I., Lorvelec, O., Marinov, M., Ohler, A., Schmitt, M., Whittington, A. & Aescht, E. (2022b) The Linz Zoocode project. Third report of activity (2020). Nomenclatural availability. 2. Work availability. Bionomina, 28: 18‒49. <>.

  46. Dubois, A., Bauer, A. M., Ceríaco, L. M. P., Dusoulier, F., Frétey, T., Löbl, I., Lorvelec, O., Ohler, A., Stopiglia, R. & Aescht, E. (2019) The Linz Zoocode project: a set of new proposals regarding the terminology, the Principles and Rules of zoological nomenclature. First report of activities (2014‒2019). Bionomina, 17: 1‒111. <>.

  47. Dubois, A., Bour, R. & Ohler, A. (2015a) What is an online ‘preliminary version’ of a publication in the meaning of Article 9.9 of the Code?—One more step on the trail of the Asian elephant. Bulletin of zoological Nomenclature, 72 (1): 6–18.

  48. Dubois, A., Bour, R. & Ohler, A. (2015b) Nomenclatural availability of preliminary electronic versions of taxonomic papers: in need of a clear definition. Bulletin of zoological Nomenclature, 72 (3): 252–265.

  49. Dubois, A., Crochet, P.-A., Dickinson, E. C., Nemésio, A., Aescht, E., Bauer, A. M., Blagoderov, V., Bour, R., Carvalho, M. R. de, Desutter-Grandcolas, L., Frétey, T., Jager, P., Koyamba, V., Lavilla, E. O., Löbl, I., Louchart, A., Malécot, V., Schatz, H. & Ohler, A. (2013) Nomenclatural and taxonomic problems related to the electronic publication of new nomina and nomenclatural acts in zoology, with brief comments on optical discs and on the situation in botany. Zootaxa, 3735 (1): 1–94.

  50. Dubois, A., Frétey, T., Lorvelec, O. & Ohler, A. (2021b) The nomenclatural status of the amphibian and reptile nomina introduced by La Cepède in his Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens, with comments on various questions of zoological nomenclature. Bionomina, 23: 1‒180.

  51. Dubois, A., Nemésio, A. & Bour, R. (2014) Primary, secondary and tertiary syntypes and virtual lectotype designation in zoological nomenclature, with comments on the recent designation of a lectotype for Elephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758. Bionomina, 7: 45–64.

  52. Dubois, A. & Ohler, A. (2018) The Hyla quoyi‒Hyla prasina case (Amphibia, Anura), with comments on bibliographic and taxonomic databases and on Article 23.9 of the Code. Zoosystema, 40 (23): 501‒506.

  53. Dubois, A., Ohler, A. & Pyron, R. A. (2021a) New concepts and methods for phylogenetic taxonomy and nomenclature in zoology, exemplified by a new ranked cladonomy of recent amphibians (Lissamphibia). Megataxa, 5: 1‒738.

  54. Dubois, A. & Seret, B. (2019) A justified emendation for a specific nomen of shark (Chondrichthyes), with comments on some Articles of the Code. Bionomina, 15: 59‒62. <>.

  55. Dufresnes, C., Mazepa, G., Jablonski, D., Caliari Oliveira R., Wenseleers, T., Shabanov, D. A., Auer, M., Ernst, R., Koch, C., Ramírez-Chaves, H. E., Mulder, K. P., Simonov, E., Tiutenko, A., Kryvokhyzha, D., Wennekes, P. L., Zinenko, O. I., Korshunov, O. V., Al-Johany, A. M., Peregontsev, E. A., Masroor, R., Betto-Colliard, C., Denoël, M., Borkin, L. J., Skorinov, D. V., Pasynkova, R. A., Mazanaeva, L. F., Rosanov, J. M., Dubey, S. & Litvinchuk, S. (2019a) Fifteen shades of green: the evolution of Bufotes toads revisited. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Journal pre-proofs: [1‒25]. <>.

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