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Type: Monograph
Published: 2022-12-20
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Kalyptoidy: the nomenclatural status of new zoological nomina originally published as synonyms, with examples in herpetology and comments on taxonominal databases

Reptiles & Amphibiens, UMR 7205 OSEB, Département de Systématique & Evolution, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, CP 30, 25 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
Nomenclature Code publication in synonymy publication date nomenclatural status availability terminology databases reliability


The Rules provided by the Code for the nomenclatural status of nomina originally published as invalid synonyms of nomina considered valid are complex, and often ignored or misunderstood by taxonomists. A detailed analysis of these Rules is presented and a terminology is proposed for the categories of nomina. The actual implementation of these Rules is studied in 121 examples in amphibians and reptiles and in two herpetological databases, and warnings are given concerning the reliability of the latter. A few changes are recommended in the wording of Article 11.6.1 of the Code.


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  96. Dubois, A. & Ohler, A. (1995) Frogs of the subgenus Pelophylax (Amphibia, Anura, genus Rana): a catalogue of available and valid scientific names, with comments on name-bearing types, complete synonymies, proposed common names, and maps showing all type localities. Zoologica Poloniae, ‘1994’, 39 (3–4): 139–204.

  97. Dubois, A. & Ohler, A. (1997) Early scientific names of Amphibia Anura. II. An exemplary case: Rana arborea Linnaeus, 1758. Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, (4), 18 (3–4): 321–340.

  98. Dubois, A. & Ohler, A. (2000) Systematics of Fejervarya limnocharis (Gravenhorst, 1829) (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) and related species. 1. Nomenclatural status and type-specimens of the nominal species Rana limnocharis Gravenhorst, 1829. Alytes, 18 (1–2): 15–50.

  99. Dubois, A. & Ohler, A. (2018) The Hyla quoyi‒Hyla prasina case (Amphibia, Anura), with comments on bibliographic and taxonomic databases and on Article 23.9 of the Code. Zoosystema, 40 (23): 501‒506. <>.

  100. Dubois, A., Ohler, A. & Pyron, R. A. (2021) New concepts and methods for phylogenetic taxonomy and nomenclature in zoology, exemplified by a new ranked cladonomy of recent amphibians (Lissamphibia). Megataxa, 5 (1): 1‒738. < 646/megataxa.5.1.1>.

  101. Dubois, A., Pyron, R. A. & Beamer, D. A. (2022a) The taxonomic and nomenclatural status of the nomina Salamandra fusca Green, 1818 and Salamandra quadramaculata Holbrook, 1840 (Amphibia, Urodela). Bionomina, 27: 44‒57. <>.

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