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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-12-04
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About the authorship of Heterophasia desgodinsi (Aves, Passeriformes)

Aves Passeriformes authorship


The black-headed sibia (Aves, Passeriformes, Leiothrichidae) was first described in the year 1877 as Sibia desgodinsi. The author of the article (Oustalet 1877) was Jean Frédéric Émile Oustalet (1844‒1905). Most subsequent works mentioned only Oustalet as author: for example Deigan et al. (1964: 418), Dickinson & Christidis (2014: 546), Clements et al. (2024), Gill et al. (2024) and Lepage (2024). Exception are Saunders (1879: 38), who used the authorship E. Oustalet & A. David, Rothschild (1926: 271), Riley (1926: 31), who placed the bird into Leioptila Blyth, 1847 (Blyth 1847: 449) as Leioptila desgodinsi, and Robinson & Kloss (1919: 586), who placed it into Malacias Cabanis, 1851 (Cabanis 1851:113) as Malacias desgodinsi.


  1. Anonymous (1877) Livres. Bibliographie de la France, Journal général de l’Imprimerie et de la Librairie, (2), 66 (48): 657‒665.
    Anonymous [International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature] (1999) International code of zoological Nomenclature. ‘Fourth edition’. London (International Trust for zoological Nomenclature): i–xxix + 1–306.
    Blyth, E. (1842) Notes on various Indian and Malayan Birds, with descriptions of some presumed new species. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, (1), 11 (122): 160‒195.
    Blyth, E. (1847) Notice and description of various new or little known species of birds. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, (1), 16: 428‒476.
    Cabanis, J. L. (1851) Museum Heineanum Verzeichniss der ornithologischen Sammlung des Oberamtmann Ferdinand Heine auf Gut St. Burchard vor Halberstadt. Mit kritischen Anmerkungen und Beschreibung der neuen Arten systematisch bearbeitet von Dr. Jean Cabanis, erstem Custos der Königlichen zoologischen Sammlung zu Berlin und Ferdinand Heine, Stud. philos. In: I. Theil, die Singvögel, 1, Halberstadt (R. Frantz): i‒viii + 1‒234. <>.
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    Clements, J. F., Rasmussen, P. C., Schulenberg, T. S., Iliff, M. J., Fredericks, T. A., Gerbracht, J. A., Lepage, D., Spencer, A., Billerman, S. M., Sullivan, B. L. & Wood, C. L. (2023) The eBirdClements checklist of birds of the world: v2024. <>.
    David, A. & Oustalet, E. (1877) Les oiseaux de la Chine. Paris (G. Masson): i‒vii + 1‒573.
    Deignan, H. G. (1948) A miscellany of new birds from eastern Asia. Proceedings of the biological Society of Washington, 61: 13‒16.
    Deigan, H. G., Paynter R., Jr. & Ripley, S. D. (1964) Check-list of birds of the world, Worcester, Mass. (The Heffernan Press Inc.), 10: 1‒ix + 1‒502.
    Dickinson, E. C. & Christidis, L. (ed) (2014) The Howard & More complete checklist of the birds of the world. Volume 2. 4th edition. Eastbourne, U.K. (Aves Press): i‒lii + 1‒752.
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    Oustalet, É. (1877) Description d’une espèce nouvelle du genre Sibia (S. Desgodinsi). Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris, (7), 1 (3): 139‒141.
    Robinson, H. C., Kloss, C. B. (1919) On birds from South Annam and Cochin China. The Ibis, 61 (4): 565–625. <>.
    Riley, J. H. (1926) A collection of birds from the provinces of Yunnan and Szechwan, China, made for the National Geographic Society by Dr. Joseph F. Rock. Proceedings of the United States national Museum, 70 (5): 1–70. <>.
    Rothschild, W. (1926) On the avifauna of Yunnan, with critical notes. Novitates zoologicae: a journal of zoology in connection with the Tring Museum, 33 (3): 189–343. <>.
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