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Type: Article
Published: 2021-06-03
Page range: 73–83
Abstract views: 487
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Herpetological higher taxa nomina. 7. Lissamphibia Gadow, 1898

Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB—UMR 7205—CNRS, MNHN, UPMC, EPHE, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 30, 75005, Paris, France
Association RACINE, 5 allée des Cygnes, 35750 Saint Maugan, France
Availability authorship allocation priority validity hoplonym sozodiaphonym hypnokyronym archoidy recent amphibians Amphibia Anura Batrachia Gymnophiona Lepospondyli Lissamphibia Temnospondyli Urodela


A taxon encompassing all recent taxa of amphibians and their close fossil relatives is highly supported as holophyletic in all recent phylogenetic analyses of amphibians. Under the Duplostensional Nomenclatural System, among twenty nomina available for this taxon, only one, Lissamphibia Gadow, 1898, qualifies as a sozodiaphonym and appears to be the one that should be used for this taxon, traditionally referred to the rank order. However, because of the current uncertainties in the phylogenetic relationships among basal amphibians, the allocation of this nomen to this taxon is still questionable. If it turned out to apply in fact to another, more comprehensive, taxon, its stabilisation under its current acceptation should be realised through an act of archoidy.


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