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Published: 2024-06-27
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The specimens of green anaconda, Boa murina Linnaeus, 1758 (Squamata, Serpentes, Boidae, Eunectes), from the collection of Albertus Seba, and recommendations for tracing historical specimens

Department of Biology and Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Stewardship; Villanova University; 800 Lancaster Avenue; Villanova; Pennsylvania; USA
Society for Southeast Asian Herpetology; Calle Rio Segura 26; 30600 Archena/Murcia; Spain
Institut de Systématique; Évolution; Biodiversité; ISYEB – UMR 7205 – CNRS; MNHN; UPMC; EPHE; UA; Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle; Sorbonne Université; 57 rue Cuvier; CP 30; F-75005; Paris; France
Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas; Instituto Butantan; 05503-90; Av. Vital Brazil; 1500; Butantã; São Paulo; SP; Brazil
Association RACINE; 5 allée des cygnes; 35750 Saint-Maugan; France
Institut de Systématique; Évolution; Biodiversité; ISYEB – UMR 7205 – CNRS; MNHN; UPMC; EPHE; UA; Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle; Sorbonne Université; 57 rue Cuvier; CP 30; F-75005; Paris; France
Department of Biological Sciences; The George Washington University; 2023 G St. NW; Washington; DC 20052; Division of Amphibians and Reptiles; Department of Vertebrate Zoology; National Museum of Natural History; Smithsonian Institution; Washington; DC 20560
Collections museums figures historical works lectotype neotype methodology Seba Eunectes anacondas


In a recent publication, Dubois et al. (2024) reviewed in detail the type material of Boa murina Linnaeus, 1758, now known as Eunectes murinus, and designated a specimen figured in Seba (1735), that is considered lost, as its lectotype. Here we explore the known details of the relevant dispersal routes for Seba’s Eunectes specimens and discuss the probabilities of their existence in several European museums. Based on this example, we provide recommendations for the identification of specimens used by historical authors like Seba as the basis for illustrations in their works.


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