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Type: Monograph
Published: 2019-11-15
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Revision of the Oriental Chaetocnema species (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini)

School of Applied Chemistry and Biological Technology, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China. Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, ARS, Washington DC, USA
Department of Entomology, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellayani P.O., Trivandrum-695 522, Kerala, India
School of Applied Chemistry and Biological Technology, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China.
Coleoptera diversity flea beetles new species Oriental Region review taxonomy


The Oriental species of Chaetocnema Stephens, 1831 are revised. There are 85 valid species, including 19 new species: C. angustifrons sp. nov.; C. appendiculata sp. nov.; C. baoshanica sp. nov.; C. dapitanica sp. nov.; C. glabra sp. nov.; C. greenica sp. nov.; C. jinxiuensis sp. nov.; C. hongkongensis sp. nov.; C. latapronota sp. nov.; C. midimpunctata sp. nov.; C. nigrilata sp. nov.; C. parafusiformis sp. nov.; C. paragreenica sp. nov.; C. paraumesaoi sp. nov.; C. purerulea sp. nov.; C. reteimpunctata sp. nov.; C. sabahensis sp. nov.; C. subbasalis sp. nov.; C. trapezoida sp. nov.

                Fifteen new synonyms are proposed: C. assamensis Scherer, 1969 (syn. nov.) = C. hainanensis Chen, 1932; C. birmanica Jacoby, 1892 (syn. nov.) = C. malayana Baly, 1877; C. ebenina Warchalowski, 1973 (syn. nov.) = C. yiei Kimoto, 1970; C. flavipennis Medvedev, 1996 (syn. nov.) = C. granulicollis Jacoby, 1896; C. harita Maulik, 1926 (syn. nov.) = C. westwoodi Baly, 1877; C. himalayana Medvedev, 1993 (syn. nov.) = C. melonae Chen, 1934; C. kwangsiensis Chen, 1939 (syn. nov.) = C. hainanensis Chen, 1932; C. loriae Jacoby, 1905 (syn. nov.) = C. nigrica Motschulsky, 1858; C. nepalensis Scherer, 1969 (syn. nov.) = C. bella Baly, 1877; C. nitens Baly, 1877 (syn. nov.) = C. nigrica Motschulsky, 1858; C. placida Jacoby, 1896 (syn. nov.) = C. bella Baly 1877; C. shanensis Bryant, 1939 (syn. nov.) = C. bella Baly 1877; C. subcostata Jacoby, 1889 (syn. nov.) = C. wallacei Baly, 1877; C. vietnamica Chen & Wang, 1980 (syn. nov.) = C. modigliani Jacoby, 1896; C. vietnamica Medvedev, 2009 (syn. nov.) = C. wallacei Baly, 1877.

                C. vietnamica Medvedev, 2001 is a new junior homonym of C. vietnamica Chen & Wang, 1980.

                C. melonae Chen, 1934 status restored and resurrected from synonymy with C. duvivieri Jacoby, 1892 in Medvedev, 2001: 613. Two subspecies are raised to species level: C. taiwanensis Chûjô, 1965 new status for C. tonkinensis taiwanensis Chûjô, 1965 and C. yunnanica Heikertinger, 1951 new status for C. discreta yunnanica Heikertinger, 1951.

                Lectotypes are designated for 25 species: C. minuta Jacoby, 1896; C. granulicollis Jacoby, 1896; C. kwangsiensis Chen, 1939; C. longipunctata Maulik, 1926; C. montivaga Maulik, 1926; C. basalis Baly, 1877; C. parvula Baly, 1877; C. nitens Baly, 1877; C. geniculata Jacoby, 1896; C. simplicifrons (Baly, 1876); C. sticta Maulik, 1926; C. sumatrana Jacoby, 1896; C. wallacei Baly, 1877; C. alticola Maulik, 1926; C. belli Jacoby 1904; C. cognata Baly, 1877; C. squarrosa Baly, 1877; C. concinnipennis Baly, 1877; C. malayana Baly, 1877; C. birmanica Jacoby, 1892; C. merguiensis Bryant, 1941; C. pusaensis Maulik, 1926; C. singala Maulik, 1926; C. westwoodi Baly, 1877; C. harita Maulik, 1926.



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