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Type: Article
Published: 2019-02-28
Page range: 18-27
Abstract views: 789
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Acridid (Orthoptera: Caelifera) diversity in agriculture ecosystems at three locations in the Mzab valley, Septentrional Sahara, Algeria

1-Laboratoire des Bio-ressources Sahariennes: Préservation et Valorisation, Département des Sciences Agronomiques, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre. Université Kasdi Merbah - Ouargla, BP 511, Ouargla 30000, Algeria. 2-Département des Sciences Agronomiques, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre, Université de Ghardaïa, 47000 Ghardaïa, Algeria.


Département d'Agronomie
Laboratoire des Bio-ressources Sahariennes: Préservation et Valorisation, Département des Sciences Agronomiques, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre. Université Kasdi Merbah - Ouargla, BP 511, Ouargla 30000, Algeria


Département d'Agronomie
Laboratoire des Bio-ressources Sahariennes: Préservation et Valorisation, Département des Sciences Agronomiques, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre. Université Kasdi Merbah - Ouargla, BP 511, Ouargla 30000, Algeria


Département d'Agronomie
Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie et Sciences de la Terre, Université de Ghardaïa


Département de Biologie
Field Crop Development Centre, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, 5030 – 50 Street, Lacombe, Alberta T4L1W8, Canada.


Field Crop Development Centre
Acridians agricultural ecosystem Algeria biodiversity Septentrional Sahara.


Caelifera is one of the largest and most diverse group of insects, and they are the dominant Orthoptera in agriculture ecosystems. We present here an inventory of Acridid fauna of the agricultural ecosystems in the Mzab valley (Septentrional Sahara, Algeria). Grasshoppers were sampled with quadrats in Béni Isguen, Ghardaïa and El-Atteuf, and we have expressed the species richness, sampling effort and relative abundance. The method used is that of quadrats sampling. The results revealed the presence of 27 species, divided into three families, Acrididae, Pyrgomorphidae and Tetrigidae. Among these families, we found that Acrididae are most diverse with six subfamilies. The subfamily Oedipodinae with 10 species was the most abundant, while the subfamily Tetriginae was the least abundant (represented by a one species). The value of the diversity index showed that the cultivated area of Béni Isguen is the most favorable for the development of many Caelifera. The abundance of grasses and low intensity of agricultural activity in this environment favors the presence of Acridid. We found that the Acridid community depends mainly on the nature and richness of vegetation cover, the intensity of agricultural activity and the type of irrigation.


Keywords: Grasshopper, agricultural ecosystem, biodiversity, North Africa, Sahara


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