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Type: Article
Published: 2019-08-06
Page range: 31-40
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Mochary example: how the highest European local species richness of pimpliform ichneumonid parasitoids (Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae, Poemeniinae and Rhyssinae) is under threat of disappearance in the Carpathian forests

Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, NAS of Ukraine, Bogdan Chmielnicki St. 15, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Pimplinae Rhyssinae Poemeniinae parasitoids species richness conservation Ukraine.


A small forest patch (approx. 250 ha) of the Ukrainian Carpathian forest revealed an unexpected diversity of ichneumonid parasitoids: 95 species of Pimplinae, Poemeniinae and Rhyssinae), comprising appoximately 39 % of the total number of European species. This is the highest local species richness of the group ever recorded in Europe and one of the highest in the World. These results were obtained due to the use of a long-term multi-method sampling programme. Being extremely diverse and highly specialized ichneumonids (saproxylic parasitoids especially) are relatively vulnerable to habitat destruction and endangered because of deforestation. This is important for conservation of natural Carpathian forests and understanding the requirements for further study and estimation of the studied group species richness.


Key words: Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae, Rhyssinae, Poemeniinae, parasitoids, species richness, conservation, Ukraine


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