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Type: Article
Published: 2020-02-21
Page range: 6-15
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Contribution to the Lygaeoidea (Heteroptera) fauna of Turkey based on specimens preserved in the Lodos Entomological Museum, Turkey (LEMT) and additional information

Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University
Lygaeoidea Lygaeidae Rhyparochromidae Miridae new record redescription Turkey


In this study, the following three species of Lygaeoidea were recorded from Turkey: Emblethis solitarius Jakovlev, 1882; Orsillodes longirostris Puton, 1884 (both Rhyparochromidae) and Horvathiolus kiritshenkoi kiritshenkoi Josifov, 1965 (Lygaeidae). Among them E. solitarius Jakovlev, 1881 was recorded from Turkey for the first time and additional data on the distribution of H. kiritshenkoi kiritshenkoi and O. longirostris previously known only from one or two localities from Turkey was added. Horvathiolus kiritshenkoi kiritshenkoi was redescribed and new diagnostic characters were added. Photographs of macropterous form of H. kiritshenkoi kiritshenkoi and adult forms of the other two species were given. Supplementary material of Adelphophylus oenderi Çerçi, Koçak & Tezcan, 2019 (Miridae: Phylinae) was also reported.


Key words: Lygaeoidea, Lygaeidae, Rhyparochromidae, Miridae, new record, redescription, Turkey


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