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Type: Article
Published: 2020-04-08
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Eight new species and three new records of Neotropical cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from Venezuela

Barry University


Department of Biology, Professor
Taxonomy Ariasa Guyalna Taphura Parnisa Calyria Carineta Herrera Neotropics South America


Eight new species of Neotropical cicadas from Venezuela are described and illustrated along with the first records of three additional species for the country. Ariasa venezuelaensis sp. nov., Guyalna pygmaea sp. nov., Parnisa castanepronotum sp. nov., Parnisa licina sp. nov., Calyria minutopercula sp. nov., Carineta maracayensis sp. nov., Carineta seriemaculata sp. nov., and Herrera quadroacuminata sp. nov. are described as new. The first records for Guyalna bogotana (Distant, 1892), Taphura sauliensis Boulard, 1971, and Carineta socia Uhler, 1875 and the genus Herrera Distant, 1905 are provided for Venezuela. Additional information is provided to distinguish these species from related Venezuelan cicadas.


Key words: Taxonomy, Ariasa, Guyalna, Taphura, Parnisa, Calyria, Carineta, Herrera, Neotropics, South America


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