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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-29
Page range: 36-47
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Stephanitis (Stephanitis) rhaphiolepidis sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera:
Tingidae) from Japan: First representative of the genus feeding on the evergreen rosaceous plant



  1. Entomological Laboratory,  Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
  2. Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan
lace bug taxonomy new species biology host plant natural enemy emergence


A new species of the lace bug subgenus Stephanitis Stål, 1873 s. str. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) is described under the name of S. (S.) rhaphiolepidis sp. nov. This new species has been found on the leaves of Rhaphiolepis indica (L.) Lindl. var. liukiuensis (Koidz.) Kitam. (Rosaceae) in the coastal evergreen broad-leaved scrub of Aguni Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and is the first representative of the genus feeding on the evergreen rosaceous plant. The host plant relationship and the deployment order of each of the hemelytral parts in the emergence are discussed for the new species. Stethoconus praefectus (Distant, 1909) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) is recorded as the natural enemy for the new species. Photographs of living individuals for the new species are provided.


Key words: lace bug, taxonomy, new species, biology, host plant, natural enemy, emergence


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