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Type: Article
Published: 2020-12-24
Page range: 35-58
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A review of jumping plant lice of the genus Ctenarytaina (Hemiptera, Psylloidea, Aphalaridae) associated with Syzygium (Myrtaceae)

Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, SWITZERLAND
adventive distribution host plant Phytoplasma Spondyliaspidinae Sternorrhyncha taxonomy witches’ broom


Twelve Ctenarytaina species with confirmed or suspected associations with Syzygium are revised. The following six new species are diagnosed, described and illustrated: Ctenarytaina baliota Burckhardt sp. nov. (from Malaysia: Sabah), C. daleae Burckhardt sp. nov. (Malaysia: Sabah), C. loebli Burckhardt sp. nov. (Malaysia: Sabah), C. melanota Burckhardt sp. nov. (South Africa), C. picea Burckhardt sp. nov. (Thailand) and C. taylori Burckhardt sp. nov. (Malaysia: Sabah). One new generic synonym is proposed (Ctenarytaina = Eurhinocola syn. nov.) as are two new combinations: Ctenarytaina aurata (Li), comb. nov. from Neophyllura, and Ctenarytaina gravelyi (Crawford), comb. nov. from Eurhinocola.  A key is provided to adults and, as far as known, to the fifth instar immatures. Two African species (Ctenarytaina fomenae Tamesse and C. melanota sp. nov.) induce witches’ broom on their hosts. Confirmed host plants of Ctenarytaina species are from Syzygium (6 spp.), Eucalyptus (5 spp.) and other Myrtaceae, as well as from one genus in each of the families Onagraceae, Rutaceae and Theaceae. More than two thirds of the species with confirmed hosts are monophagous, the others are narrowly oligophagous. About one fifth of the described Ctenarytaina species have adventive populations outside their natural range.


Key words: adventive, distribution, host plant, Phytoplasma, Spondyliaspidinae, Sternorrhyncha, taxonomy, witches’ broom


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