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Type: Article
Published: 2021-03-26
Page range: 9-16
Abstract views: 322
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A new species of Odontepyris (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae: Bethylinae) from East Asia

new species Japan Taiwan wing venation.


Odontepyris costatus sp. nov. is described from Japan and Taiwan. This new species is most similar to O. formosicola Terayama, 1997 known from Cambodia and Taiwan according to the key to the Eastern Palaearctic Odontepyris. O. costatus sp. nov. can be distinguished from the latter by the relatively small eye and the wide metapectal-propodeal disc. It is also similar to O. telortis Lim & Lee, 2009 known from South Korea, but it is distinguished from O. telortis by the imbricate median area of metapostnotum. The morphological variations and diagnostic characters of the Eastern Palaearctic species are briefly discussed and the modified key to species is provided.


Key words: new species, Japan, Taiwan, wing venation


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